Still Life coughing thing??


ensammast i sverige.
Apr 22, 2002
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I read in some interview that on Still Life you can hear a cough that accidently was recorded over the drum recording. Does anyone know in which song it is??
It´d just be cool to hear it, cause I haven´t... :D
I forgot what song it was meant to appear on actually... but on the discography thing Opeth have on the main site Mikael says that he heard a cough while recording vocals, he mentioned it to Peter, who allegedly heard nothing, they checked all over the place, found nobody, but the cough remained on the track. Sorry I can't be much help with the track or time or whatever but I don't really know. (Maybe it's a cough only Mikael can hear :D)
i've heard ppl talk about this before they claim that its toward the end of "the moor", but to me what they're talkin about sounds to me just like a sigh and it sounds intentional, but o well, maybe i've got the wrong part of the album

they also said theres something similar in "white cluster", i dunno for sure cant remember what they said and i've never noticed it...

...that wasnt much help hey?
Black Heart: "The cough is on The Moor @ 10:09, and Serenity Painted Death cuts off at the end..."

This made me laugh. It's as though you're...impatiently anticipating the inevitable "Is there something wrong with my CD. SPD cuts off.." question. :lol: I never heard an actual cough sound myself. I heard what was supposed to be it.

I myself... personally, I think Mike and Pete were just tripping from working so hard to get the shit recorded.

"Twisting names inside of me. Electric atmosphere to be.
Must carry on one last time. Cannot stop what has begun."
I listened really hard, and still think it's a sigh/exhalation. But what I don't get is that Mike says he hallucinated it... so how was it recorded?
i've been saying sentences that i don't mean to say lately which is freaky, and some of it is really insulting to like my friends and stuff yet i don't mean to say anything at all and most of the time i don't know i've said anything until they say something or i ask cause i know i said something but don't know what it was cause i can't hear it for some reason (THIS ISN'T BULLSHIT ITS ACTUALLY HAPPENING).

Maybe i'm possesed (if thats how u spell it)