Stomp 442


Dec 16, 2002
I haven't listened to the John Bush records very much at all of recent times. I love them, but since Joey's return to the fold and Worship Music, my Anthrax playlists have been centred around those records again.

So, after about 2 years yesterday cranked S442 again. I still fucking love that record.

Sure - it's no Spreading, Among, or Persistence, but as a mid 90's metal record I still think it kicks major arse, even though I think it's about by second least fave Anthrax disc (Vol 8 takes that prize).

Got a real kick from tunes like American Pompeii and In A Zone all over again - brings back some good memories!!!!

Good times.

As a side note - I would love to know from Scott / Charlie / Frankie - honestly, do they feel like they now fully ignore the best part of 12 odd years of Anthrax these days, given that they pay no attention to the 4 records live that they created with John? And how much would they love to throw in a What Doesn't Die or a Room For One More or a Safe Home into the setlists again?
Another thing also, Stomp IMO is the most live sounding studio record of all Anthrax albums.
Spot on Johnnie.

Whilst I still believe SOWN is the best Bush era album given it's just so well rounded. That said the production on Stomp is superb. SOWN was very grungy, fuzzy whereas Stomp was pure crisp and crunch.

Great album.
It would be interesting to see how people here rank the Bush era records. For me:

It would be interesting to see how people here rank the Bush era records. For me:


Pretty much except -
Honestly, it's probably my least favorite Bush era album. I just don't think all of the songs are very memorable. Yeah, Volume 8 is all over the place as far as genres and cohesiveness, but I rank Volume 8 above it. But the production on Stomp is untouched since, I agree. SOWN and WCFYA are my favorites, though I am not sure which one I like more.

As far as the band ignoring this era of the's disappointing because it's my preferred era. But I don't know that I'd want to hear anyone other than John Bush sing the songs, he's probably my favorite metal singer. So it's probably better left alone. It is what it is.
Honestly, it's probably my least favorite Bush era album. I just don't think all of the songs are very memorable. Yeah, Volume 8 is all over the place as far as genres and cohesiveness, but I rank Volume 8 above it. But the production on Stomp is untouched since, I agree. SOWN and WCFYA are my favorites, though I am not sure which one I like more.

As far as the band ignoring this era of the's disappointing because it's my preferred era. But I don't know that I'd want to hear anyone other than John Bush sing the songs, he's probably my favorite metal singer. So it's probably better left alone. It is what it is.

Couldn't say it better myself.
Stomp,wcfya,sown volume 8,it's a pity sown songs didn't come across on cd as a lot of sown songs destroy live,stomp they got the sound right,much more simple and straight forward,sown was a mish mash,guitars were so muddy and well volume 8 just doesn't sound like an anthrax record,if inside with dimebag wasn't on that record it would have ended anthrax career
The production is superb. I'd personally rank the albums:

WCFYA/SOWN.........................Stomp........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Vol 8
VOL 8...........would like to hear a few from these live again instead of same songs over and over again.........Maiden are the same, they ignore all Blaze era stuff
But I don't know that I'd want to hear anyone other than John Bush sing the songs, he's probably my favorite metal singer. So it's probably better left alone. It is what it is.
John is definitely my favorite singer but I gotta say, and I've said it before, but M. Shadows is one of my favorite vocalists today. I recently heard an isolated vocal track from Nightmare and the guy is the real deal, omg he wails unlike any I've heard, ever. Love or hate AVX I'm a fan of his vocals, just sayin'. I would love to hear an isolated vocal track from John I know it would be amazing.
On the S442 subject ......... the song Bare.

What's your take on the lyrics in this song - as in what does it mean to you guys? Obviously it's about the breakdown of a relationship. Is that all? Or is it about death? It's always really interested me, but I've never quite got my head around it.