Stones Grow her Name opinions


May 11, 2011
I fell out of love with Sonata after failing to get into Unia. I felt that tDoG was a step in the right direction but was still bogged down with wannabe prog songs such as Deathaura and the like.

For me, SGhN is the nearest thing to a return to form as we are likely to get with Sonata (given their "we're no longer power metal" protests). The proggy elements have been refined and no longer drag and there's a refreshing injection of melody and fun, last seen on Reckoning Night. I'd urge you all to have a listen and see what you think.

Highlights -

Only the Broken Hearts
Alone in Heaven
Losing my Insanity
Shitload of Money
I'm in the minority and think Sonata has done nothing wrong thus far. I think every one of their albums is a masterpiece and they've only gotten better since branching out into their own unique sound.

I think Stones is a fantastic record and the easiest description I have seen (and agree with) is "Unia + Reckoning Night." It's a consistent record with lots of top-notch playing and every member of the band is on fire. Great hooks and wonderful lyrics, some interesting compositional techniques in a lot of the songs (I especially like the simplistic but powerful repetition of the keyboards in The Day).

I still have to hear the One-Two-Free-Fall bonus track, but Tonight I Dance Alone is wonderful, too. I think the whole album rules, and although my favorites might change in a day or two, right now they're Losing My Insanity, Somewhere Close To You, The Day and Cinderblox.

I really hope they play Cinderblox live but hiring a banjo player might not be of any interest to them for a tour. Hope they play several of these though, along with Only the Broken Hearts and I Have A Right since those are apparently the singles (so far).
This one's still growing on me, but I have a feeling it's going to be a keeper. I'm really loving some of it, and I think it'll only take a few more listens for me to really appreciate well, all of it. I've not found a weak track - there's never one that I'd want to skip, for instance.

But Only the Broken Hearts, Alone in Heaven, and I Have a Right are really fantastic tracks.

.. and actually, Shitload of Money is turning out to be just as much fun as I thought it might be! :p
As with 1928, I've loved everything SA have done

First listen through I was unsure and then Cinderblox came on and after the initial shock of the unexpected direction on that song, I loved the rest of the album. Then going back through I had a different appreciation of the songs that had come before it

Further listens have only improved my opinion of the album
I'm REALLY impressed with this Album and to say I think it's a drastic improvement over the last two albums is an understatement. It diversifies like the last two albums, if not even more so, but the quality of the songs is simply much better.

'Shitload of Money' is so catchy and enjoyable it's unreal. I look forward to giving this album further spins.
whatta masterpiece !!! at first i liked all the songs except the wildfire thingies, but now i've heard the album a couple of times i really love it !!! there's a good balance between fast and slower songs
It really is. I cannot get enough of this album. So many amazing things going on throughout every song, and each one is a winner. In my opinion this is a case of 'lead singer syndrome' done properly, unlike Edguy's last few efforts. Tony's singing is remarkable here. Also, does anybody else love that awesome keyboard solo in Somewhere Close To You? It sounds so industrial, so mechanical, it's like a siren/horn, I love it.

I wish I could write lyrics like Tony. God damn that man is a poet.
Listened for the first time today. I must say that I'm impressed! Much better than the last album for me. The catchy hooks are back, whilst keeping the avant-garde edge of Tony's modern day bizarre nature. This is the album they've been trying to make since Jani left!
As usual with Sonata albums these days, I think this one is going to have to grow (pardon the pun) on me.

After 2 and a half listens through, I'm not blown away and I can see through to the Sonata formula - I might take back this statement but it seems to centre around beating you over the head with a one-line chorus again and again. Maybe simplicity was the goal of this album but...I don't know, it feels like a shallow delivery right now. The guitars seem like an afterthought in place of a heavily piano orientated approach and I haven't noted any occasions where Tony's pushed himself vocally.

I'll soldier on with this, I want to be wowed by them like Unia and The Days of Grays did over time.
Hopefully it grows on you, Dom (never thought of that pun until you brought it up, haha)! Unia took weeks to grow on me and some of the songs didn't click for about a year, so hopefully it has an impact later on.

On another note, it would be really cool for the next live release they do some years from now to have all three Wildfire parts on it! By then maybe Sonata could hire a full orchestra and do songs like Deathaura ;)
As usual with Sonata albums these days, I think this one is going to have to grow (pardon the pun) on me.

After 2 and a half listens through, I'm not blown away and I can see through to the Sonata formula - I might take back this statement but it seems to centre around beating you over the head with a one-line chorus again and again. Maybe simplicity was the goal of this album but...I don't know, it feels like a shallow delivery right now. The guitars seem like an afterthought in place of a heavily piano orientated approach and I haven't noted any occasions where Tony's pushed himself vocally.

I'll soldier on with this, I want to be wowed by them like Unia and The Days of Grays did over time.


the albums surely has some goo tunes on it but it just seemed less substance more chorus than the last three albums (even in comparison to their more than classic first three). some songs while having a Sonata vibe just dont work with me. and also the Elias signature guitar tone just sounds weak on this album even though its practically the same tone as the last one.
I'm reporting back in after giving this many more listens. And while I think some songs still come across as proggy for the sake of being different and then on the flip side some tracks being quite lazy in song-writing, overall it has grown on me. I take back my criticism of I Have a Right, beyond the repetition it's a song with some actual meaning. I still think banjo metal is very out of place :) the guitars lack priority and Tony isn't pushing the bar but songs like Losing My Insanity and the Wildfire songs are some of the best Sonata for a while. So yeah I think The Days of Grays was better, but this isn't too bad.