Stop the Insults NOW.

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Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Enough is enough. From this moment on (approx. 8:25am EST Nov. 1, 2004), any thread that regresses into insults being hurled about will be locked & referred to this post. Disagree all you want, debate & argue until you turn blue in the face, but lets be adult enough not to descend into name calling, shall we? If you can't debate an idea or topic without letting it get personal, then perhaps you shouldn't be posting on message boards, this one in particular.

People CAN disagree with you without being stupid or fools or morons or idiots. It's called personal opinion, & no ones opinion is 100% solid fact. It's merely opinion and like that old saying says, we all have one; so please respect the rights of others to have opinions that vary from yours.

Anyone who continues to insult others from this point on will receive a 2 week 'zero tolerance ban', & repeated offenses will result in permanent banning.

Remember, if you see this happening & I miss it, you can always click that little 'report bad post' button (it's the little icon that looks like an exclamation point, it's under each persons name/avatar to the left of their post) & I'll be notified.

Bottom line: I refuse to let this forum become an embarrassment to Symphony X the way so many band forums are to their respective bands. We almost lost the forum once because of all of the BS, let's not make the band wonder why they keep this place open. As as I always say: play nice, or play elsewhere.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled online activities.

[Edit: Not even 12 hours later & I've already had to give someone a 2 week ban..c'mon, people, straighten up already.]
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