Ya'll behave now..


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
I'll be packing up my computer tomorrow morning for a cross country move, so I'll be offline for a week or so. Mark (the king of UM) is aware of this & will keep an eye out for any problems brought to his attention, so if you need him in here for any reason, please use the *report this post to a moderator* option.

Ya'll be good & I'll see ya late next week, most likely. :wave:

The Symphony X drinking game (feel free to contribute):

Drink whenever:
MJR "borrows" from a classical piece
Russell says "wooooooooooohhhh"
The words five and one appear in the lyrics
Tom or Mike does a bass solo
Pinella does a keyboard solo that isn't a tradeoff
Russell does his evil voice