Stormblåst 1996 or Stormblåst 2005?


The Unjesus
Jul 9, 2011
Churning Sea of Absu
Stormblåst 2005 is the only album that I enjoy by Dimmu Borgir. I downloaded it a long time ago and I realized only recently that I have that version. I heard the original, and I can't say I enjoyed it as much as the remake. It's probably Hellhammer that puts the frosting on the cake because he fucking rules.


That song actually sounds a lot like Into The Dead Sky by At the Gates. All of this talk of plagiarism in the Deep Purple vs. Zeppelin thread made me remember the resemblance.
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I bought the remake just because Hellhammer was on it. I enjoyed it, but the original blows it out of the water in every way. I haven't listened to the remake in years. Mostly because the original exists, so why bother?
Even though my favorite Dimmu album is still Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, I listen to this one works well playing in the background, when reading, or with my girlfriend. love the brooding atmosphere of Stormblast.
I really think in a lot of cases people saying the original of something is better is SOLELY based on it being the original. A lot of the time, re-recordings are better simply thanks to the artist having gotten more skilled, better instruments, or better recording ability. Burzum's re-recording album is a great example of it.
Standard SGD defends something no one gives a fuck about post because he thinks he's older and wiser than everyone else here or some shit. Why did they even bother rerecording the album? Was there something inherently wrong with it? No. Why bother shining up songs fans of the band already know with a new production job? (Especially black metal no less, I mean people love modern production in black metal right???) Are you being too lazy to come up with anything new but still need a payday? Probably.