I listened through the entire song, and here's some thoughts about it:
- I really liked the songwriting on that soung, honestly some parts gave me
"I wish I had writted that part"-feelings to me, however the were also some parts that could've been trimmed out easily to make the song flow better making it more interesting, after somewhere around 7 and half minutes roughly my attention was wandering around, then at some point I became interested again. Maybe try to concentrate more on the future on trimming some not-so-importan-parts out from the songs, I know that can be hard though (I'm still trying to learn that myself)...
- Your drums sounded like they weren't humanized at all (sounded like 127 velocity all the time), and that was quite distracting to me as a listener, especially the cymbal rolls were
really bad sounding because of it, also the piano parts could've used some humanization to make them sound better and more interesting to compliment the songwriting.
- The rhythmn guitars sounded undergained to my ears, the sounded pretty soft and really dull also, try to pick harder maybe and add a bit more gain to the if needed after that. Also the timing was pretty bit rough at some places honestly, concentrate on getting the parts tracked really thight, play some riffs part-by-part if really needed. Also bass guitar is pretty much inaudible in the mix or masked by the muddiness of the guitars (maybe both?), at the softer sections there was some of the clankiness of the bass to be heard and it sounded like a programmed bass?
I hope that helps a little bit and isn't too harsh (I tried to be as honest as I could), I'm looking forward to hear more stuff from that album you're doing