Straight Edgers

I know alot of dudes who were s/e for a while but they never last. How can you deny yourself pussy and red meat. Drugs and alcohol I could live without if I had to. But enjoy life cause when your an old man you'll wish you enjoyed the fruits of life. I don't get the whole not fucking thing. I think thats a closet gay thing personally. Later gents.
I love it when hardcore kids do that Kung Fu crap.... Gives me an excuse to do some Kung fu of my own on them... "Oopps sorry there hardcore boy, I accidently wind milled my way into your chest while I accdently round housed your melon fucking head"... How many of you remember (most I'm shure) when you could get in the pit and do what ever you wanted and we all looked retarded together.??
Yes i do remember those days...

Now moshing looks like a Tiger Schulman class.

It's sad really...

Waiting for your turn to "dance"??? WTF???!! Sounds like that idiotic breakdancing shit in the 80s.

bobo'c said:
I know alot of dudes who were s/e for a while but they never last. How can you deny yourself pussy and red meat. Drugs and alcohol I could live without if I had to. But enjoy life cause when your an old man you'll wish you enjoyed the fruits of life. I don't get the whole not fucking thing. I think thats a closet gay thing personally. Later gents.

If you're gay that means you like sex.Dry sex,but sex none the least.
These kids, these "hardcore" kids these days. They go after girls, too. Like, Try and kick girls in the face or punch them in the throat when they're 3 rows back. As well, I've had 3 seperate male hardcore kids try and grab my package at various points in time. In short, I don't trust modern "hardcore kids." Straight-edgers are even worse, cuz they're more apt to try and gangbeat you if you're not "down." That's my experience, anyways.

They think they're hardcore. They're not hardcore. Cro-Mags were hardcore. M.O.D. is hardcore. Agnostic Front is hardcore, etc., etc., etc. Not this bullshit, not now. These kids don't even know what a circle pit is... They don't know how to skank. It's all fairy-fighting! I don't mean it in that they look gay (though they generally do), I mean in that it looks like they're little mystical fairies trying to do battle.
overall i think hardcore is bullshit anyways, i just like the old school shit like dom said...cro mags, m.o.d. A.F., warzone, cause for alarm, NRSV. but this shit out now is MINDLESS music. something for kids to need to feel tough too. the same riff through the whole album. how creative do you have to be to write a beatdown and play power chords your whole career? point exactly.

even madballs new album is fit for the dumpster.
S/E..........I dont do drugs,red meat,dairy,and only eat organic.........But fuck me i drink...copious amounts of JD and Red Stripe..and fuck like the duracell bunny...In the pit if some cunt frog marched in front of me they would have been on their ass quicker than a muslim sweating and carrying a bag sitting next to me on the tube. :loco: .
nik said:
S/E..........I dont do drugs,red meat,dairy,and only eat organic.........But fuck me i drink...copious amounts of JD and Red Stripe..and fuck like the duracell bunny...In the pit if some cunt frog marched in front of me they would have been on their ass quicker than a muslim sweating and carrying a bag sitting next to me on the tube. :loco: .
nik said:
S/E..........I dont do drugs,red meat,dairy,and only eat organic.........But fuck me i drink...copious amounts of JD and Red Stripe..and fuck like the duracell bunny...In the pit if some cunt frog marched in front of me they would have been on their ass quicker than a muslim sweating and carrying a bag sitting next to me on the tube. :loco: .

Listen Nik, why is it, when I read everyone else's posts, I hear my own voice in me noggin, but whenever I read YOUR posts, I hear Jason Statham doin' the narration?


Thats because my old china, I'm a Eastend boy living in the north..WHUFC till i die...Wouldn't mind his coin or his ex-misses, i've about 6 years on him and about 10 stone,but about as much

Jurched said:
Listen Nik, why is it, when I read everyone else's posts, I hear my own voice in me noggin, but whenever I read YOUR posts, I hear Jason Statham doin' the narration?


Im 34, straight edge, employed, contributing member to society in general, dont let a few fucktards without knowledge of thrash or hardcore pre 97 bother you. Remember the 4th X is acheived by taking advantage of drunk sluts so drinking cant be all bad..