
shivering corpse

Ty Cobbb
Sep 20, 2002
I personally feel like "strained" is the best katatonia song ever. it's hard to explain why i like it so much. the best way i can say is that it's just not a song they could ever do again. it's a very simple and subtle song. there's no grandeur to it, it's just completely doomed and depressed. totally hopeless. it's not a song you can TRY to write, it's a song that just comes out because it has to.
i love it is sort of hopeful in a way
but what i always get out of the chorus of "i'd like to try to live my life again, i'd like to see where i was going wrong" is that his life is completely wasted or ruined, because obviously he cannot live his life again.

but i agree you can also see it as hope, i've just always interpreted it the other way