strange food


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
whats the weirdest thing you like to eat...mine aint that weird but it is bloody gorgeous...
bananas on toast with honey....mmmm
black coffee with honey.......mmmmm
burbon and orange ......mmmm
malibu and milk .........mmmmmm

- i like to eat richly ;)
i seem to be the only one who prefers pepsi instead of coke.
other than that, camembert with marmelade (strawberry) tastes ace.

and totally disgusting: eat a slice of bread with "apfelkraut"
looks like this

and afterwards drink a cup of milk, i tell you, it tastes like puke. and i mean literally. strange, since the two things for themselves are quite okay.
i dont really eat weird combinations but ive seen a belgian guy throw my wonderful carrot salad in his pasta :ill: :lol: :lol: :lol: im not pointing at anyone especially :rolleys:
Oh and it tasted pretty fine actually ! I was a bit skeptical at first but I liked it and ate another toast of it :p
Did you like it yourself ?
It was for V.C --- Hell ... bad post timing 2nite :-/
Oh and I forgot to mention the sauerkraut sandwiches here. It's by far the weirdest meal I've ever ate. Frog thigs are a wonder compared to them...