Strange stuff at the end of CDs.

Originally posted by [_NevermorE_]
well.. that's required for sure!

Yeah I mean take DNB for example...wait around for six minutes only to have a 5 second burst of noise???? That was kinda dumb...other than that an excellent album!:grin:
Hey Zombie's good in small doses...gets kinda samey after a while, but when you're in the mood.....oh what a mood it is!:lol:
Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
haha, i cant find them in stores, ima have to special order... this is mp3


Century Media re-released four of their albums and carried their newest one. You'll love the hell out of them!:grin:
Sorry to bring this back on topic, but the coolest hidden end-thing I've ever heard is on Annhilator's "Carnival Diablos." After a minute or so of silence on the end of "Hunter Killer," they bust into a cover of public-domain hick song "Chicken And Corn." It's absolutely fucking hilarious...great CD, too. Try to find that song, or I could upload it to DSM's FTP...