Strange thing about myspace

Because Runes such as the Odal rune is used by white power groups. Even the Mjollnir symbol is used by those pricks.

Some narrow minded dip shitted fuckwit has probably ratted you out & accused you & your profile of being racist . thats my guess.

It sucks that those skinheaded boot boy faggots have given symbols like that a "bad name" i guess you'd say.

That and you had 'commando' in the URL, so that may have set it off.

Soon, everything under the sun will be off-limits as it could be construed by some over-zealous lawyer to be offensive to some obscure group. :loco: To hell with that, political correctness is a Soviet innovation anyway.
Im sure it was that, a friend of mine was thrown out of a metal disco because of wearing Thors Hammer. of course, he aint a racist, but those guys had no Idea what they where talking about.
I'm sure you are not a white sumpremist but even if you were I still don't think they should censor your myspace. I thought myspace is all about personal expression. You should be able to express anything as long as you are not breaking the law such as libel. On the otherhand it is a private company so they should be aloud to censor it from that point of view. Do they censor other racism? You should make another myspace page and put up all kinds of black power and see if they censor it. If they don't then maybe you could have some grounds to at least complain.
Because Runes such as the Odal rune is used by white power groups. Even the Mjollnir symbol is used by those pricks.


I don't know your ethnicity mate, but you have no right to call them pricks! They use those pagan symbols because they believe that paganism is the only true european (from where all the white ethnicity emerged) heritage and religion. Am I write Celtik Militia?!
Apparently I'm being deleted for having runes on my profile. Discuss.

mate, some commies have reported you coz they thought you're a white nationalist and so! Its useless to report to myspace admin in the end coz they won't give a flying fuck about your reasons! If you're not a white power member you should state that in your About Me or else make your profile private...available only for friends so as to avoid commies from visiting your profile!

cheers and good luck!
Well by looks, I am a skinhead, and to be honest, I share many beliefs with a lot of white nationalist groups, but I'm not racist. I believe that people should stay true to their heritage and worship their ancestral gods, not some middle eastern one that wants to eliminate all culture.

I had the Valknot and the Futhark on my page, but at one time I did have an Odal on it.

And they made my profile viewable this morning but from the looks of it, they didn't delete anything.

And no, they don't censor black or mestizo racism.
This isn't just a myspace thing. This is the way it is all around the world now. I so don't want to get started on this because it will be a two page rant.
Basically what's going on in the world now is every race is allowed to be racist against white people. White people are supposed to lay down, stick their arse in the air and take up the ass sideways with a pineapple and a cheese grater. Any race calls a white man a honky or cracker he's supposed to grin and bare it. Say the N word or the K word and people loose it and it ends in a courtroom full of cameras.
I am not racist, I hate everyone equally. No matter what race, color, sex or creed you are.
Yep, sadly that's true. I'm more like an individualist than a racist. The fact is that human beings like people who act/live like them. I could easily become friends with blacks/mestizos/Asians/Jews/etc. as long as they act like me.
... I believe that people should stay true to their heritage and worship their ancestral gods, not some middle eastern one that wants to eliminate all culture.

I love what you are writing because that tells me again, that everything's OK with me. I feared being seen as a Nazi or racist some time ago because I waer runes and worship Odin and do most of that stuff that pagans do. Well OK, I didn't burn down any churches yet... :lol:

But now, I don't fear it anymore because I learned not to give a fuck about what other people may think. If they wanna see me as a racist, it is their thing. I know what I believe in and stand for it.

So sad but true what you write. I see it here, too. We don't have that much problems with blacks but with turks and other muslims. They are allowed to build their moschees and religious organization centers in germany and we have to stand back and watch. If someone would come up with the idea of founding a pagan thing here, we would have the Staatsschutz (if someone could look up that word please - I can't find it in the dictionaries) sniffing around and in the end prohibit it because we are all Nazis and racists...

And the fucking desperating thing is, you really can't do anything about it because they all have their prejudices about it and won't leave them, no matter what.
I love what you are writing because that tells me again, that everything's OK with me. I feared being seen as a Nazi or racist some time ago because I waer runes and worship Odin and do most of that stuff that pagans do. Well OK, I didn't burn down any churches yet... :lol:

But now, I don't fear it anymore because I learned not to give a fuck about what other people may think. If they wanna see me as a racist, it is their thing. I know what I believe in and stand for it.

So sad but true what you write. I see it here, too. We don't have that much problems with blacks but with turks and other muslims. They are allowed to build their moschees and religious organization centers in germany and we have to stand back and watch. If someone would come up with the idea of founding a pagan thing here, we would have the Staatsschutz (if someone could look up that word please - I can't find it in the dictionaries) sniffing around and in the end prohibit it because we are all Nazis and racists...

And the fucking desperating thing is, you really can't do anything about it because they all have their prejudices about it and won't leave them, no matter what.

People call me a Nazi all the time, and by political definition, I am one, but I'm not "racist". I put that in quotes because the Nazis weren't actually racist as people claim them to be. There were Arab and Indian SS units and the Nazis were good friends with Iran. Also, how could they be racist if they were allies with the Japanese?

And literally translated, Staatsshutz means state protection which would be equivalent to the FBI in the United States.
Truth be told, I had no idea that runes or things related with Viking mythology were seen as Nazism or racist ideas. I don't know what has to do Odin or Thor with Nazism.
Truth be told, I had no idea that runes or things related with Viking mythology were seen as Nazism or racist ideas. I don't know what has to do Odin or Thor with Nazism.

The reason why anything related to vikings is seen as racist is because of pre-World War 2 Nazi parades celebrating Germanic history and culture. They would put huge viking ships on wheels and drag them through Berlin with swastikas on the sails and shields. There were also groups within the Nazi government that worshipped the Germanic gods.

And in modern times, there are white supremacist groups that use runes and the gods as part of their methods of racism.
I see it a little different. People FEAR what they do not understand. We have turned into (thanks to media channels) a world that does not think for itself. We do what others tell us, or what we see on TV. If CNN doesn't report that Thor's hammer is a Viking symbol and the church doesn't tell them that it's okay to look at it. Then people fear it.
People do not bother to go look it up themselves, thanks to Christianity and CNN, they see it as blasphemy. Since it is blasphemy, they associate it with something else they were told was bad. (Do not let me get started on WW2)
In the last 2000 thousand years humanity has become drones, doing what church officials, politicians and the TV tell them.

Mass Media Breeds Ignorance :)

P.S. Told you not to get me started :p
I see it a little different. People FEAR what they do not understand. We have turned into (thanks to media channels) a world that does not think for itself. We do what others tell us, or what we see on TV. If CNN doesn't report that Thor's hammer is a Viking symbol and the church doesn't tell them that it's okay to look at it. Then people fear it.
People do not bother to go look it up themselves, thanks to Christianity and CNN, they see it as blasphemy. Since it is blasphemy, they associate it with something else they were told was bad. (Do not let me get started on WW2)
In the last 2000 thousand years humanity has become drones, doing what church officials, politicians and the TV tell them.

Mass Media Breeds Ignorance :)

P.S. Told you not to get me started :p

Yes I agree with everything you say. Thankfully there are still some people on Earth that think for themselves.
I'm sure you are not a white sumpremist but even if you were I still don't think they should censor your myspace. I thought myspace is all about personal expression. You should be able to express anything as long as you are not breaking the law such as libel. On the otherhand it is a private company so they should be aloud to censor it from that point of view. Do they censor other racism? You should make another myspace page and put up all kinds of black power and see if they censor it. If they don't then maybe you could have some grounds to at least complain.

It's probably only accidental, but your actually dead right here. :p

It is arguable that "gangsta" rap is to women (and often white people in general) what the KKK is towards blacks. But while profiles representing the former run rampant on MySpace, my guess is that profiles representing the latter are summarily deleted by adminstrators.

No doubt the KKK are fools, but only the perverted Orwellian logic of political correctness can justify banning one hate group and not the other. It's all doublespeak.

This isn't just a myspace thing. This is the way it is all around the world now. I so don't want to get started on this because it will be a two page rant.
Basically what's going on in the world now is every race is allowed to be racist against white people. White people are supposed to lay down, stick their arse in the air and take up the ass sideways with a pineapple and a cheese grater. Any race calls a white man a honky or cracker he's supposed to grin and bare it. Say the N word or the K word and people loose it and it ends in a courtroom full of cameras.
I am not racist, I hate everyone equally. No matter what race, color, sex or creed you are.

Very well said. :)

I'm actually a grad student and last semester I took a class called "Qualitative Research" that would have been more accurately called "White Heterosexual Men Are Pure Evil and Are Directly Responsible for Every Ill on the Planet." Total brainwashing PC bullshit.

Recently i discovered that my crypto-Marxist professor ended up failing me for the course. It wasn't because i coudn't grasp the course material, it was simply because i disagreed with the political partisanship in it. I argued that just because some groups were victimized in the past doesn't mean they should automatically get the moral high ground today. Besides, most of them probably would have done the same shit as us in the past if they had the technological means. War, conquest and slavery are not unique to the white man alone!

There's so much else i could go into... but i'd end up writing a goddamned book.

So, to make a long story short, I just had a meeting with some administrators down at the school and successfully argued that I had been discriminated against by the professor simply because i wouldn't submit to the assumption that white men are the sole cancer of humanity. They changed my grade and I have now passed the course. :)

The victory is sweet, but talk about a fucking aggravating experience.

So sad but true what you write. I see it here, too. We don't have that much problems with blacks but with turks and other muslims. They are allowed to build their moschees and religious organization centers in germany and we have to stand back and watch. If someone would come up with the idea of founding a pagan thing here, we would have the Staatsschutz (if someone could look up that word please - I can't find it in the dictionaries) sniffing around and in the end prohibit it because we are all Nazis and racists...

As an outsider looking in, it looks to me that your government is hellbent on the de-Germanification of Germany, so i really woudn't be surprised at all if they started cracking down on a pagan revival movement regardless of political affiliation like you say. It might offend your immigrants somehow!

It's all a sad state of affairs really. Uggh. :mad:
Very well said. :)

I'm actually a grad student and last semester I took a class called "Qualitative Research" that would have been more accurately called "White Heterosexual Men Are Pure Evil and Are Directly Responsible for Every Ill on the Planet." Total brainwashing PC bullshit.

Recently i discovered that my crypto-Marxist professor ended up failing me for the course. It wasn't because i coudn't grasp the course material, it was simply because i disagreed with the political partisanship in it. I argued that just because some groups were victimized in the past doesn't mean they should automatically get the moral high ground today. Besides, most of them probably would have done the same shit as us in the past if they had the technological means. War, conquest and slavery are not unique to the white man alone!

There's so much else i could go into... but i'd end up writing a goddamned book.

So, to make a long story short, I just had a meeting with some administrators down at the school and successfully argued that I had been discriminated against by the professor simply because i wouldn't submit to the assumption that white men are the sole cancer of humanity. They changed my grade and I have now passed the course. :)

The victory is sweet, but talk about a fucking aggravating experience.

This I will commend you for this man. That is discrimination, it's also not surprising. I am have often said women shun me, I have never explained fully why. I disagree with almost everything that comes out of their mouth. The biggest thing being feminism! I totally and utterly disagree with it.
2 reasons why, both are ignored by said women. Not my fault they don't know the facts though.

1. Equal Pay for Equal work was started because nurses (who were paid shit at the time) sued to earn as much as a construction workers did. They argued they worked just as hard and for a better cause and got paid less. This was all true. But construction is a dangerous job. So, an agreement was made and the argument was settle, for a time. Some women took this as all women everywhere should earn as much as their male counterparts. This I completely disagree with. I think you should earn by what you do, not what your sex, race or creed is. If you and I worked at UPS storage warehouse and I made you lift almost all of the heavy boxes, should I earn as much as you? No. If the woman is doing the same job and earning her keep should she earn the same money. Yes! But sadly almost every job I have worked with heavy lifting or factory work men did almost all the heavy lifting. Why would I get paid when he's doing my job? That's just all around bullshit.

2. Since women have entered the workplace (I know this is going to piss off most of the women on the boards, but sorry ladies is what I believe and know the facts of) and someone has not stayed home with the child until the first years of school...

The crime rate has sky rocketed. Many children are not bonding with their parents which cause them to act out later in life (or earlier). Classic child non-bonding syndrome.

Inflation! Forcing your way into a workplace leaves little money for the employer to put back into the business to make it grow. Which causes many places to close down in the end.

Unwed mothers, this is rate is astonishing. The reason is it such a problem here in the US when women got more free rights to do whatever they wanted (and in anything in life, the more freedom you get, the more you act you military boys on leave for example you vent) they vented till the Welfare program sucked all of the money out of Social Security. Now baby boomers are in danger of loosing all their hard earned money that they paid into something they were sure would be there when they did retire. I used to watch (isn't the case anymore since the laws have changed) women in the area I grew up in have babies just to get more money from welfare. When they were in danger of getting cut off, they were suddenly, pregnant.

The softening of men, since women have no been in control of what a son sees, hears, listens to, watches and reads. Men have become, boys. It's sad to watch really. When a girl like me dreams of an epic man, who's big and strong, both in strength and in beliefs, will die for his country, his love and his family, all we find instead are pussy drama queens that need to be bitch smacked constantly. Men who play more games then women are accused of. What happened to the men of old days? The epic warrior man! Instead, all we have to choose from are men that mothers have molded to be like the guy on the cover of their favourite romance novel. If I fucking wanted romance, I would read one of those stupid novels.

I'm sorry white men are not the cancer of our society. There are a 101 problems in this country that cannot be fixed or were caused white men. Those women teaching those courses should take a long hard look at themselves and their impact upon society before writing a entire course like that. Those cunts make my life hell. All that's on TV and the new is Oprah said this, Dr. Phill said that..fuck both those cunts.
(Ya I am pretty angry about this)

As an outsider looking in, it looks to me that your government is hellbent on the de-Germanification of Germany, so i really woudn't be surprised at all if they started cracking down on a pagan revival movement regardless of political affiliation like you say. It might offend your immigrants somehow!

It's all a sad state of affairs really. Uggh. :mad:

This is said in itself. What I believe is they are so worried about what the world thinks of them after World War II they have begun to tear down all their beliefs of old.
I'm not going to even begin to say why I think most of this is bullshit, or else I may get kicked off the boards for being too opinionated. :p
Let me also add this, before everyone hates me :p

I do not believe women should be home barefoot and pregnant. I think someone should be home with the child. Either parent.

I do not believe it's all women's fault that things are so messed up here in the U.S.
There are MANY reasons. And yes, I have an opinion about them all :p

I do believe strong male role-models should also be a part of a young child's (boy or girl) life.