Strapping young Lad & extreme metal scene


Watch out for BLÖTT!
Jun 15, 2002
Brussels / Belgium
Just a few questions to you all:
What do you feel when you're listening to a SYL song?
Is this like me?
When I listen to one of them, It's like a huge wave of feelings surrounding me... :eek:
Sometimes, I'm even about to cry... :cry:
The problem with the others extreme metal band, is that there is no more feeling injected, except Hate... :(
In SYL's music, and in Devin's in general, you can find so much emotions, hate, love, feeling of beautiful, madness, sadness &joy,.....
Devin is DEFINETLY more than god...

yeah that's true. even in a brutal song like Detox for example there are nice melodies. I think Devin has a wide variety in his vocals, he can do anytihing from death vocals to beautiful clean singing.