
HI Eagle! Yes sure are as you know - so maybe I can give you a call maybe and we could meet up with you guys for either Stratovarius or Bloodstock or both!!! I’m also trying to get my friend I studied who also lives in Hull to go too! ~ are you on the Bloodstock Rock Society aswell? I joined up and got my t-shirt and free mug!(woohoo!)

Have a good week!

~ Paul
Hi Symphony! Hope to catch you for a pint sometime then?!! ~ at least I’ll get to meet you for sure at Bloodstock! I might be having a couple of friends from Holland and Germany coming over and I was on the Yahoo groups last week and a girl from Washington USA is coming over, just shows how far Bloodstock is getting noticed!
I'd love to see all three of those bands, specially Symphony X, but bugger all of my friends like the same music as me :( and journeying toCamden from Cardiff on me own is a pretty sad.
how much and where are the tickets selling?
i wanna go!!!!
Completely forgot about this til I was reminded in the Underworld on Saturday night!!! I am going, so anyone who recognises me come and say hi .........<I have got friends honest!>

...and to think, i could have blagged a lift too!!!!!
Eagle said:
Some of us are meeting up before hand in a place called 'The World's End' or something alike before hand.

Hey there you guys!!! Great to meet you Glyn, Lisa, Lee and Steve!!!
Much appreciated for the trip down and it was a great day and a fantastic show!!! :hotjump:

Hope you all got home safely!

Really had a great time and hope to see you again soon for some more banter!!

....oh and don’t forget to phone Vince!!!


~ Paul ~

Likewise bro!! You probably got home before me the speed Eagle was driving at! (I did flash as you hurtled past me!) Twas a good night out and yes we should do it again......did someone mention Blaze?!!!!

In the meantime, lets not forget one of the finest comedy metal moments of all time.......
