

New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2004
Hey Kirk,

Since you hooked your server up to that dedicated DSL I haven't heard the 56k stream buffer once!

When I tune in at work, though, I have problems when I try to run too much. Say, for example I hit a webpage that has one of those huge animated ads. At home I never have that problem. I can run as much shit as I want on the PC here at home and never have to worry about that. I think a lot of that has to do more with the processor speed at work, though. I'm running almost triple the processor here at home (PIII 600 @ work, P4 1.6G @ home). And the skin I use for Winamp eats up a lot, too.

Any, thoughts? Do you think it would be as simple as changing to a skin on Winamp that isn't so much of a processor hog?
Hey Jim,

Yeah this DSL connection kicks ass, I haven't had a second of downtime with this connection. I am quite pleased. I've been running solid for about a month, so I'll be dropping my cable connection pretty soon.

As far as buffering at work, it could be alot of things, the amount of bandwidth your company has, co-workers downloading, etc. Try these things first though.

Dump Winamp 5 if your using it. Total crap program. Go back to 2.91 or any 2.x flavor.

Open Winamp Preferences (Ctrl-P) And go into Plugins, click Input.
Choose Nullsoft MPEG Audio Decoder. Click the Streaming tab.
Set both the pre-buffer and underrun levels all the up. See how that runs.

Let me know,
Back to work for me.

Dude, I've had a better time with 5 than I EVER had with 2.x.

I've had almost no buffering issues with 5 since I mentioned on the old board. The only problems I've had are with the Media Libray, but that's an easy fix and doesn't affect the core player.

What problems are you experiencing with 5?

Jim, If you're running an older machine then make sure you are only open the core player with the visializer off and the classic/modern skin. Also be sure to look at your General Preferences and make sure your Internet Connection Settings and Priority Class are ok. You might have to go back to a 2.x player for the smaller memory footprint inspit of all this, though.
I was actually able to just dump the skin I was using on Friday and change back to the classic skin and this eliminated the issue I was seeing. I am considering going back to the 2.91 player anyways, though. The 5 takes forever for my little computer at work to load and if I remember right the 2.91 popped up rather quickly. I knew if I was having any issues this would be the group of guys to come to! Thanks a lot!! :cool: