Stride has officially broken up?

Well, their site has not been updated in months. I would imagine the crash and burn would have happened weeks ago.
That would royally suck! That band was just getting started and getting good, and now... Damn it! I'll have to play my copy of Imagine as well (not right now as I am about to hit the sack!)!
Yes, it's true, and it sucks. I hope they re-group down the line they have so much more to offer:cry:
And I was hoping they would have some new material out soon. I saw them 2 years ago with Steve (SkiBumMSP) and bought their album. Damn shame. They had gotten a lead singer and thought they would go places. Guess not now.

:erk: :cry: :cry: :yuk:
This would indeed suck if Stride broke up! I own both CDs and I was lucky enough to see them at the PreParty for PP4, but had to miss PP6 :(

However, I know that a few of them post fairly regularly up here (vox and Joel), so I am not going to get too upset until they confirm it. Would anyone from the band care to confirm/elaborate?
However, I know that a few of them post fairly regularly up here (vox and Joel), so I am not going to get too upset until they confirm it. Would anyone from the band care to confirm/elaborate?

No shit!! I made a comment a few weeks ago about them breaking up. I heard it from a band member who said it was a done deal, so I considered that a pretty good source!! In the post, I mentioned the term LSD - "Lead Singer's Disease" and the singer posted and broke it off in my ass (which I deserved - he was classy about it) and denied the rumor. I think his screen name was something like VoiceForStride, so it was pretty clear who it was!!

This time, I know nothinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng!!

Chris :headbang: