STRIDE WON!!!!!!!!

Very Awesome!!!! Congratulations guys. I know that you will put on a great show. I wish I could see it. You will shock and amaze!
Now that's what I call getting out the vote, best thing I got to vote on in a long time. Admittedly I went to a BJ show this year with some friends, only wish could of had Stride open. Congrats to the band...rock them all!
I'm not a fan of Stride, as I've mentioned before, but I'm psyched to see one of "our" bands succeed like this (hence the reason I voted for them). Go Stride!
Anticipating all the pussy Bon Jovi fans that will not like a truly talented group like Stride, I recommend the following:

All the prog fans in Houston should get together, storm the show, rip the place up when Stride plays, and then boo all the way through Bon Jovi's set.

That would be funny.

Congratualtions Stride!!!

That is si f**king awesome! What an amazing opportunity!

For all the detractors out there, I really don't think this that bad of a match. Stride is extremely talented and technical, but at the same time write GREAT melodic songs and have a sort of 80s vibe going on anyhow (as do many of the bands we like). Richie Sambora is not a hack either; altough I'm sure he will be taking notes from Joel that night! I wish this were a national tour though (it could lead to one). I'd love to see Stride in a HUGE arena setting. My GF loves BJ so we would both get we wanted that night!

Again, congratulations you guys deserve this!
I'm biased, but these guys deserve it more than anyone. They will rock the house!!!!!!! I bought my wife BJ tix for Christmas as she is a fangirl, but now Im interested. I spoke to the guys, and they are beyond exited!!!!!!!!!!

Props to ya mates!!!!!!!!!!!!! RACK 'EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be there. I plan on taking plenty of pics for Stride's website (if cameras are allowed in Toyota Center). I'll send them to Joel and Gary to use whatever they want.
That's a cool enough bill that I might have to travel to see this one. I've never seen Bon Jovi live and I'm a major fan of theirs, have been since Slippery When Wet. Stride means they'll have an opening band I want to see.
It's a great opportunity for Stride. At the very least, Jon and Ritchie can watch them from the side and see what it means to truly rock. I wish all the guys in Stride the best at the show.

Stay metal. Never rust.