Striking a chord

Su Jacko

Jul 12, 2003
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Hemmingway said that great writers had a terrible childhood, something Bruce Robinson agreed with. Do you think that adversity, hardship and painful times make for a better musician or song writer? Do you think we can pick up on the reality and feeling poured into a song, both in the music and choice of words and also how those are performed? We then identify with the song or it brings forth similar emotions?

Just a thought
Depends what type of person you are and what types of people will read/listen to your stuff. Some people will crumble during hard times and be incapable of anything. :
Anyway, these days most people cant pick up on the reality and feeling poured into a song. They'll relate themselves to anything with the right name on it. Its still worth doing it though, for the people who are onto it like ;
i feel understanding when i read it. perhaps cos i've had hardship as a kid, tho there are various versions of that. depending on how much yang there is to the yin, and how you are as a person (like Strangelight mentioned), how you handle what you encounter. as a kid, you probably cant be able to divide things conciously, at this age (most of us), we can. so basically: now is the time to deal with stuff(?)

i guess lyrics can and should be of great help to that - becoming concious of who you are, and where you want to go. and referring to Duncan's last line: i guess words can help ppl realise the slightest bit, even when ppl cant really interpret the way the lyric was meant to be. if it helps, it helps. tho it's great when someone reads what you've exaclly felt when writing it.
Strangelight said:
Anyway, these days most people cant pick up on the reality and feeling poured into a song. They'll relate themselves to anything with the right name on it. Its still worth doing it though, for the people who are onto it like ;

I wish I shared your acceptance of that. Anyone see me get hammered on the Opeth forum trying to talk some sense into those people? It has been quite a frightening experience. The day I lose faith in communication I will be a bitter man.
Strangelight said:
Aye, Ive had a look in there. I thought it was the Take That forum the way they are so blindly fanatical ;)

It's not a question of being fanatical. Allan seems to enjoy putting people down to try and boost his own ego. Check out his posts there - it's laughable.
Allan said:
. Anyone see me get hammered on the Opeth forum trying to talk some sense into those people? It has been quite a frightening experience. The day I lose faith in communication I will be a bitter man.

Talk sense? So YOUR opinion is the only one that makes sense then Allan? Apparently you already are a bitter man.
How old are you BTW? 13?
:lol: Enjoy yourself man, you'll soon grow up! :lol:
TakinTheMusicBack said:
It's not a question of being fanatical. Allan seems to enjoy putting people down to try and boost his own ego. Check out his posts there - it's laughable.

I think people acting like teenage girls as if Opeth were a boy band is more laughable compared to a guy trying to get his point across. You must admit theres plenty of that going down.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
It's not a question of being fanatical. Allan seems to enjoy putting people down to try and boost his own ego. Check out his posts there - it's laughable.

Please tell me who I "put down", I asked you to explain lyrics. I have not thrown insults arround and I don't even see what I said that called for insults to be thrown at me. But I regret trying to communicate with you people.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Talk sense? So YOUR opinion is the only one that makes sense then Allan? Apparently you already are a bitter man.
How old are you BTW? 13?
:lol: Enjoy yourself man, you'll soon grow up! :lol:

Why is it you think I'm a bitter man?

And why is it you claim I think my opinion is the only one that makes sense when I have continously asked for your opinion.

Try to write a post one day that doesn't end in an empty insult.
Allan said:
I wish I shared your acceptance of that. Anyone see me get hammered on the Opeth forum trying to talk some sense into those people? It has been quite a frightening experience. The day I lose faith in communication I will be a bitter man.

This is bollox, self contradictory whining crap. Where's Bambi when I need him.

I don't want to accept some people are beyond reach, since that puts yourself out of reach for some.
depends what you use your music for. if its to let loose some things you couldnt express in another way then you obviously need something to talk about. err.