Which words would you use to present a song?

The Hammer

Jul 13, 2002

I'd like to know from you how you would present a song if you were on a stage in front of your fans to let them become out of mind and scream like hell while you're playing......

Think for exemple to Michael Kiske on Live in U.k. presenting "Dr Stein"....we..we start now with the first single taken from the new album...it's a song about Dr Stein....etc" or....

Bruce Dickinson presenting "Can I play with madness" : and one and two and one,two,three,four...Can I play with madness...you've got it!".....

Use your fantasy.....

Metal regards

The Hammer
ok, so in my defunct band atrocityism we had some songs i had special intros for...

dead girls dont say no: "this song is dedicated to *insert name here*. dont worry bro! just remember... *cue BM voice* DEAD GIRLS DONT SAY NO!!!!!!"

unholy scene raper: "this song is about a fat bitch who fucked over too many fuckin bands including us. so everyone give anal whore (angelgrave productions) a big FUCK YOU!!! FUCK YOU, YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF SHIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!"
Once I wrote a song named Bondage (I can't even remember where I put the tab of this one in my room :cool: ), if I had to present it on a stage I'd say: "We can be sure that only one thing lasted from the dawn of humanity to now..... and it's [really grim black metal voice] BONDAGEEEEEE"
Fat Mike, the lead singer of punk band NOFX, just recently kicked off their show by saying this:

"We've were out last night until about 6 in the morning, you know, being wasted, eating pizza...so stop smoking damn it. I can't breathe up here. Anyway, we're NOFX, and we're not gonna play any sappy bullshit songs about relationships or songs about girls or anything like that. But here's a song about Jews."

It was fucking hilarious, and done extremely tongue-in-cheek. If you know the band, you'd see the humor in this. The song they were going into was "The Brews," about a Hasidic Jewish gang.
Originally posted by markgugs

"We've were out last night until about 6 in the morning, you know, being wasted, eating pizza...so stop smoking damn it. I can't breathe up here. Anyway, we're NOFX, and we're not gonna play any sappy bullshit songs about relationships or songs about girls or anything like that. But here's a song about Jews."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
that was awesome....
MayheM's DEAD on the live album "Live in Leipzig" presenting "Freezing moon" says:
"When it's coooooooooold and when it's daaaaaaark the freezing moon can obsess youuu"
exhumed has some good ones too.

"this one is off our slaughtercult cd, its about one of our favorite tools. its about a fuckin axe. this is *cue bm/gore voice* THIS AXE, WAS MAADDEEEE, TO GRIIIIIIIIND!"


"this next song is also off our slaughtercult cd, its about another one of our favorite tools, a motherfuckin blow torch. this is *cue voice* FORGED BY FIRE, FORM... IN... FLAAAAAAAAAAME!"
