Which metal CD would you use to...


God Of Emptiness
Nov 29, 2002
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audition speakers with? I'm talking about very clean production and great range that would test new speakers to their limit. I'm in the market for upgrades and since metal is what I mostly listen to, metal is what should be played.

I said metal only because there's a million non-metal ones that are used and personally, I would use Dead Can Dance as a non-metal test but anyway...
Even though I'm not a fan of Metallica I remember their self-titled album ("The Black Album") having very crisp production. Now only if their music was as good...
I'd say something with a lot of tonal, dynamic and textural range that at the same time isn't overly polished in the digital sense - that will give you a much better picture of what the speakers can really do. Most really 'clean' mixes are heavy on the mids and short on bass and treble, so they don't really give a system a 'total body workout' so to speak.

Maybe something like At the Gates The Red in the Sky is Ours, the new Averse Sefira or even something like the Emperor/Enslaved split (though Vikingligr Veldi would also work quite well).
Actually.. pick something you know by heart in terms of what it sounds like.. to give you that comparitive reference point.
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia

This has lots of range from orchestrated bits to a few quite furious blast beat parts.

I'm pretty sure you're not a fan but Lamb of God -- Ashes of the Wake.

Yeh, if the bass drums sound lazy in this album, don't buy the speakers.

I'd say something with a lot of tonal, dynamic and textural range that at the same time isn't overly polished in the digital sense - that will give you a much better picture of what the speakers can really do. Most really 'clean' mixes are heavy on the mids and short on bass and treble, so they don't really give a system a 'total body workout' so to speak.

Agreed, also as my own suggestion I'd say Deliverance or My Arms, Your Hearse both by Opeth.
Behemoth's Demigod is what I would use to test speakers, Conquer All being the song.
I've heard audiophiles use RATM's s/t because it has a really really hi-fi production.
I would use a couple things. Probably something with a really clean production like Dark Tranquility - The Gallery and something with a rawer sound like In The Nightside Eclipse. Or something really busy like Emperor - Prometheus