Which direction would you like to see metal go in the future?

MetalHead666999 said:
I agree with sunlapse, but.....since metal is a wide genre wont it satisfy more and more people as it grows?
Well yeah, but what I meant was that there are people who will like one style and dislike another, say that other style gets popular for whatever reason, they are gonna bitch about it and whatever.... etc....

I compare it mostly to Headbanger's Ball.... which is actually playing awesome videos by a ton of great bands including Death, Opeth, Neurosis, etc.... and yet people say it sucks.... then ill show them a list of bands the show has played, and their defense as to why it is a bad show is because theyll say they only like 3 bands on the list, etc.... in other words, people are gonna bitch about things unless the genre conforms to what they and only they like....
you know what? Headbangers Ball does suck, so what if they play a few awesome videos here and there? that doesnt save the show from being another nu-metal bitchfest. who the hell even likes that show? nu-metal kids hate it b/c they dont play their little slipknot and mudvayne and that shit and metal ppl hate it b/c they really dont play good metal or medicore bands at best. jamie jasta should just die how about that? why dont they get somebody cool to host the fucking show? somebody thats respected in the metal scene and not hated by most.

well thats enough bitching from me
MightyDrynwhyl said:
you know what? Headbangers Ball does suck, so what if they play a few awesome videos here and there? that doesnt save the show from being another nu-metal bitchfest. who the hell even likes that show? nu-metal kids hate it b/c they dont play their little slipknot and mudvayne and that shit and metal ppl hate it b/c they really dont play good metal or medicore bands at best. jamie jasta should just die how about that? why dont they get somebody cool to host the fucking show? somebody thats respected in the metal scene and not hated by most.

well thats enough bitching from me

People like this are the reason I've come to the conclusion that metal heads, in general, are a bunch of whiny, bitchy, assholes, with nothing else to do but exactly that. They make Emo kids look like men.
Tavaron said:
People like this are the reason I've come to the conclusion that metal heads, in general, are a bunch of whiny, bitchy, assholes, with nothing else to do but exactly that. They make Emo kids look like men.
Fo shizzle ma nizzle(I'm making an assumption here).

Well, I went to the Headbangers Ball show, and the people there seemed pretty cool, so I guess the little "trendies" listening to Shadows Fall, KsE, and LoG, as well as the Deftones, In Flames, Godsmack, and Machine Head(just a bunch of the shirts I saw) fans are more mature and opn-minded than the loser elitist death metal fans.

OH!!!!!!! How you like that, mofo?

Besides, the Ball owns, Jasta's cool, nu-metal kicks butt, and there's nothing the elitists can do about it! I personally hope more bands try this melodic metal thing(Disturbed and Lamb of God and Machine Head have all started), because it's bringing the aggression back to metal with the catchy melody to make it palatable.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Fo shizzle ma nizzle(I'm making an assumption here).

Well, I went to the Headbangers Ball show, and the people there seemed pretty cool, so I guess the little "trendies" listening to Shadows Fall, KsE, and LoG, as well as the Deftones, In Flames, Godsmack, and Machine Head(just a bunch of the shirts I saw) fans are more mature and opn-minded than the loser elitist death metal fans.

OH!!!!!!! How you like that, mofo?

Besides, the Ball owns, Jasta's cool, nu-metal kicks butt, and there's nothing the elitists can do about it! I personally hope more bands try this melodic metal thing(Disturbed and Lamb of God and Machine Head have all started), because it's bringing the aggression back to metal with the catchy melody to make it palatable.
That whole reply confuses me. How are people listening to Shadows Fall fucking trendies? Their one of my favorite bands, so fuck off, and don't ever group them with the fucking Deftones. And I guess the rest was just ya tryin to say I know nothing about metal. (Disturbed starting melodic metal?:lol:) I think the Ball is badass, sure it plays a bunch of shitty music, but it is also the only place to find damn GOOD music videos, (Uranium has some every once in a while, and Uranium Classics is kickass too), but that's it. And I still don't see why everyone here hates In Flames all of a sudden because of RtR. Sure it sounds a little (maybe an understatement) like nu-metal, but I haven't heard of any nu-metal kids loving it. Anyways, its still the same band that wrote songs like Jotun, it would be hard for me to hate them, atleast.
I'd like to see bands bands incorporate more electronics (though not entirely in an industrial way) and strings (but not full blown orchestras, ala Therion) as an integral part of their sound, and not just some background scenery.

I'd also like to see more intelligence, and less of this redundant aggro bullshit (AKA: Shadow's Fall, Lamb of God, Static X, ect...).
MightyDrynwhyl said:
you know what? Headbangers Ball does suck, so what if they play a few awesome videos here and there? that doesnt save the show from being another nu-metal bitchfest. who the hell even likes that show? nu-metal kids hate it b/c they dont play their little slipknot and mudvayne and that shit and metal ppl hate it b/c they really dont play good metal or medicore bands at best. jamie jasta should just die how about that? why dont they get somebody cool to host the fucking show? somebody thats respected in the metal scene and not hated by most.

well thats enough bitching from me
you are the exact kind of person i am talking about.... apparently its only a good show if every single video they play is by a band THEY like..... but is that EVER gonna happen for a metal fan? like I was saying, metal is too wide of a genre. Personally, i think most of the videos they play are very good, i can go into a big list of awesome bands that get played on the show if i must. but ill keep it short.... any show that plays bands like Death, Opeth, or Neurosis (amazing) is good to me. It doesn't hurt that most of the other videos are good too.
I look at the Headbanger's Ball as a 2 hour commercial for the Headbanger's Ball CD.

I wouldn't mind putting up with shit I don't want to see to get to something good, but when it's the same fucking 3 videos week after week, I get bored. The old show sucked just as much, but it had variety, so I watched it. This new show repeats the same handful of videos every week, so I don't bother with it anymore, and I know I'm not alone.
I disagree with these videos being any good. Seeing a band lip synch their songs while standing in deserts/forests/fields/back yards/studios is not at all interesting.

The following is a list of good videos (doesn't matter if you like the songs or not):

Bjork- Pagan Poetry/All is Full of Love/Bachelorette (or pretty much anything else)
Portishead- Only You
Radiohead- Karma Police or Fake Plastic Trees
Smashing Pumpkins- Stand Inside Your Love/1979/Perfect/Ave Adore
Fatboy Slim- Weapon of Choice


The only half decent metal videos I've seen in the last decade are Heartwork by Carcass, Soilwork's As We Speak, Saytricon's Fuel For Hatred (at least they're on the right track working with Jonas Åkerlund) and For You from My Dying Bride, and even those are nothing spactacular.