String Attack

Be Creative, Get Laid
Apr 7, 2009
This might be in the wrong area...possibly the gear section?...i was wondering when you guys are settin up your guitars how many of you actually pull out a ruler when it comes to adjusting your string attack...i know some people who will sit there with a ruler and try and measure it down to the 16th or 32nd but then i know other people who just adjust it till the buzz is gone...just wondering what your perferences were?...i tend to just adjust it till i dont hear the buzz dominating anymore
I use a feeler gauge to adjust the truss rod and a metric ruler to adjust bridge and pickup height. Its important to use your ears too!
lol i know what ur doin...i was just askin just for the hell of it cuz i know some guys who are strict about using tools for it and others who just do it till it sounds good so i was just wondering what other people do kind if theres a "right or wrong way"...i got the whammy bars on all my guitars so i gotta put blocks in the back to lock the bridge as best as possible and then i just adjust the attack till the buzz is basically gone..gotta make do with what u got sometimes lol
I'm one of the ruler guys-


That string action gauge from Stew Mac is one of the best investments I've made...