Strongest mix to date, lets make it better.

I feel like the vocals are buried under the guitars.
Perhaps bring the guitars and drums down a touch.
Also, there's a bit of pumping going on with the drums.
Cool guys, thanks for lending an ear.

I have a question for your ears. I darkened the rhythm guitars more than I usually do to get a meatier tone. Is it a good and manly tone, or should I bring back some more bite?
Guitars sound nice and strong. Vocals are buried mainly when the drums are going full-on, maybe automate them up only during those parts.
guitars sound nice and smooth. i like them alot. i think the drums and cymbals both need brightened up. i would add more top end to the vocals as well. revisit levels some too, i think the guitars could go down about 1 db. and vocals up a couple.
new version is a lot better but it still sounds pretty messy overall.... i hear a lot of over compression on the individual elements...

cool song, though!!