Stu Block Singing On New Iced Earth Album Dystopia

I'll admit, I said some stupid things, but I was taken back by your asinine opinion that Iced Earth is an emo band just because they have darker lyrics. You must listen to some pretty happy go lucky shit.

Sure, like Jonsi and the Beatles. I also listen to Ulver and Anathema.

Iced Earth has weak lyrical writing, coupled with weak musical arrangement and a narrow breadth of creativity. Their thematic elements focus on what I would consider emo music. It is a criterion of lyrical content. Just my opinion. I don't listen to them, but I'm not stopping anyone else.
The shape alone is far more creative than just... "round". The only interesting thing about a carrot's design is that it tapers at the end. For shame.

The fact that a carrot tapers at the end was interesting on the debut album, but it has since grown stale and predictable.

I've never seemed to like the way celery tastes.

That's why it's more prog.

Celery is the "less is more" kind of music. Its structure is less complex than that of, say, a carrot or tomato, but it always fits the song. You don't really hear too many inappropriate celery wank fests. Not like those damned eggplants. We get it already! You play in all sorts of wacky interchanging meters and love neoclassical and the Phrygian dominant scale. Just once I want an eggplant to surprise me with a nice, feeling-infused tasteful lead.
you want me to apologize for having an opinion?

Not for having an opinion, but for having such a misguided and ignorant one. You obviously have no idea what "emo" means and you obviously haven't heard the most essential Iced Earth stuff, the first three albums (which could well be used as a dictionary example of "true metal", something quite far from being "emo").

Having strong opinions on things you know next to nothing about only makes you look like a fool.
Not for having an opinion, but for having such a misguided and ignorant one. You obviously have no idea what "emo" means and you obviously haven't heard the most essential Iced Earth stuff, the first three albums (which could well be used as a dictionary example of "true metal", something quite far from being "emo").

Having strong opinions on things you know next to nothing about only makes you look like a fool.

What are some emo bands you could recommend me to listen to? Seriously, I am not pulling your leg here. You are an authority on this subject?
Let's not get into the whole "apples to oranges" debate again.

For the last time: Apples can shred... WE GET IT. You can attempt to put on as many different faces as you please... dip into different pools of taste, if you will... but deep down, you are still an apple!!!
Oranges have layers. On the outside, they don't seem very pleasant, but when you get to the core...the heart, you realize that the overall package is just incredible. By the end, you throw away what you saw on the surface.
Iced Earth has weak lyrical writing, coupled with weak musical arrangement and a narrow breadth of creativity. Their thematic elements focus on what I would consider emo music. It is a criterion of lyrical content. Just my opinion. I don't listen to them, but I'm not stopping anyone else.

What are some emo bands you could recommend me to listen to? Seriously, I am not pulling your leg here. You are an authority on this subject?

I have no problem with someone not liking a band for whatever reason. But not liking a band doesn't mean you should go around spouting weird, inaccurate things about what some band is or isn't.

In the internet, we have this thing called "Google". Through its use, you'll not only be informed about what the term "emo" actually means when referring to music (it is not simply a "criterion of lyrical content"), you'll also find examples of such music for further illustration. Examples that will make beyond crystal clear that IE has nothing to do with the genre of music in question.

Introspective, emotional themes are common in every form of art ever. The music of IE is no exception. If you can't see any difference between the emotional content of an emo song and an Iced Earth song, then that's your loss.