stuck in chicago


Trapped in hated logic
Feb 10, 2002
fucking weather in NY, I can't go home for the weekend. i just need to bitch at someone about this..

any recommendations with what to do with this weekend?
any places worth checking out in chicago? anyone from chicago here? any hot babes from chicago?

i would repost the same thing on Craigslist under Casual Encouneters ... the Chicago one that is :loco:
Metal Haven is supposedly one of the best record stores in the country...and then there's The Chasm and Cianide, but the likelihood of a chance encounter with them are slim. :loco:
and i bet you will get replies ... probably straight from sluts in the airport.

yeah, like dill said ... :lol:
On his own?

hey, I'm in Chicago. Well, sort of. I'm not a hot babe though. Heck, I'm not even that hot of a dude. You're welcome to stop by my place for a beer though, if you can make it out to Hoffman Estates!

I don't know of anything worthy going on, I was just gonna sit on my ass all weekend. You could go to the St. Patrick's Day parade tomorrow and kill a bunch of Irishmen, that might be fun. Or go to any pub where an Irish band is playing, and constantly yell "play 'The Burning Season' you faggots!!!"
