Studio-Diary (Videos&other updates)

i am more and more getting impatient when i hear all that stuff bout the album and...waah don´t wanna wait anymore XD

i´d kill for a bow. haha. ;)
being honest, for me that competition-prize is the most favoured XD
I stopped sending in my name after Jussi called my name for the guitar cloth. I really wish that you get this prize.

I was hoping they'd pressure Iiro Rantala into giving something for the raffle :)

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
won´t get it anyways, but hei, sending a name in doesn´t cost a thing, so ;)) okay, besides time, but... ^^

haha, a key of the piano? XD
" . . . . . and for the raffle, here is the middle C of this world class piano . . . . oh, it's not insured against raffle related vandalism? . . . can I just say sorry? Sorry!"

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
" . . . . . and for the raffle, here is the middle C of this world class piano . . . . oh, it's not insured against raffle related vandalism? . . . can I just say sorry? Sorry!"


made my day to imagine that picture XD
I entered the competition for the violin stick. I'm hoping that there will be some degree of awesomeness in it that will perhaps give me some level of musical talent...I doubt any instrument in the world is that powerful though as I can't even whistle a tune properly.

Great to see the studio updates though!
Thanks for keeping us updated, Mathias. :) Wishing you an awesome Ruisrock performance and we're looking forward to the vids.
And Dennis? You're the clever "inventor-thing" around here. MAKE THAT STICK NAOW. :mad:

epic slow reply: Will do! I'll even start a videoblog too if you wish to watch my progress on the Stick:rolleyes:
Competition is on! Everything is on! I have the prizes at the trunk of my Caddy but I forgot the keys inside. Which means you have to wait. Just a bit more. Do you buy my explanation? :hypno:

In the meanwhile, there'll be some footage still online before the snow has melted.

Oh, and actually we do have a schedule even for mastering the album, which means... well you know what it means.

---> Off to change strings to my acoustic - I have a studio session on Saturday! :popcorn:

Olli, be careful what you say...I am sure there are some willing people to get your Caddy opened up somehow for that bow :P ;)
and no, I don´t. sorry, it´s too cheap, I only buy more expensive ones - epic fail ;)

before the snow has melted...means in the worst case we wait until march/april 2011? ;P

i love acoustic violins...okay, that was random...XD
Ah nice to see you're all on schedule. Well, sort of anyways.

@ Carina, don't they have that saying in Germany about looking a horse (you were given as a present) in the mouth? =P I am sure there's a German equivalent.
Turisas is preparing for album mixing, Loud Park sushi massacre, Finnish gigs + all that mysterious pre-album release stuff. October is gonna be a busy month for us!

Mathias Nygård Started preparing for mixing today. It's not going to be easy...

(it kept telling me my message is too short...hei damned forum, I am a mod, I should be allowed to just posta quote LOL)