studio furniture


May 20, 2006
Katy, Texas
anyone know a good place to buy studio furniture? im looking for a desk with stands for monitors and racks and stuff like that.. i was looking at the raxxess stuff but that shits expensive as hell
I got my stuff from Argosy... , but I think they're more expensive than Raxxess.

If you're at all handy with a hammer and saw, you could build your own racks pretty cheap.

Other than that, maybe Middle Atlantic, they sell racks and desks too.
You're not going to find anything much cheaper than Raxxess bro. Argosy, Middle Atlantic, and there's one other company I remember that makes desks...can't remember the name though they had some really cool shit, lots of desks made specifically for certain consoles and mixers. I think I'm personally going to be getting something from Argosy for my studio once I'm ready for the desk to be put in. The only other manufacturer that I can think of that might be cheaper than Raxxess is StudioRTA.

^^ at that i think i have heard of studio rta stuff not fitting together properly. someone correct me if im wrong
i called up sweetwater and figured with tax and shipping and everything it would be $1700 for the desk i wanted..if im gonna spend $1700 id rather buy a pre amp or something
MX582 said:
i called up sweetwater and figured with tax and shipping and everything it would be $1700 for the desk i wanted..if im gonna spend $1700 id rather buy a pre amp or something

Thats not too shabby a price tag compared to what the Argosy stuff costs over here in England. Im looking into getting the dual 15 with 803 style racks and im being quoted MUCH more than that. Me thinks I might try and make one myself instead as it would work out a hell of alot cheaper.
yea i think i might end up building something of my own..i think id be more useful to put my money into something thats actually gonna make my recordings sound better
Somewhere I found plans for a studio desk froma single sheet of plywood with 16 rack spaces or something crazy like that. EDIT

But I'm on some Office Depot computer cart with speaker risers and the full-length monitor stand is two rack-spaces tall. But I keep my VS, old CD burner and pencil graveyard under there. $149 on sale, IIRC.