Studio Log Part 3 & 4: Drum overhead micing, clips from drum tracking


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
Hey cutiepies!

Here is part 3 and 4 released together to speed up this whole boring drum talk thingy :) If you already know enough about micing up drums with overhead mics you can just skip to part 4 to see some footage from the drum tracking itself. Next up is guitars in part 5, that should be plenty of fun :)

Enjoy and subscribe (if you haven't already)! Don't forget to actually click on it to go to YouTube to watch it in HD and stuff :) You'll also find part 4 there.

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wow. Excellent drumming Erkan! And thanks you for these videos. It's very helpful and interesting (atleast for me :))
Oh yes. Awesome music on the last video. :kickass:
Thank you guys so much, it feels awesome to hear. :)

Good job! Whats next?

Next up is guitar tracking. I don't talk anything about the guitar sound itself in that part but that will come later in the mixing phase since I don't record a real amp. The workflow for me is rather different from the real men who record real amps without reamping :) Anyway, it's all gonna be covered.

I enjoy watching you play - I love the drums. And though I can't play to that level, I would say I am pretty decent. You're just insanely talented though dude - great playing - when is this CD out?!?.

Thanks Chris and I have no idea to be honest. I'm guessing it should be after summer sometime during this fall.

Cool vid! Thanks for sharing. Gonna have to try out ORTF one day...

Definately Glenn! XY-micing is a thing of the past for me for drums and AB micing is rather difficult and I don't have the space around the drumkit for that nor do I have 2 good mic stands for it either. ORTF is really cool, it's like a blend of AB and XY micing and gives a really good stereo image. It's gotta be due to it mimicing the human head and all but as I said, I don't follow the ORTF rules 100% but it should be close enough. I remember reading there has to be 17cm between each mic capsule (the size of an average human head) and the angle of 110 degrees or something.. well it's all up on Wikipedia :)
I enjoyed the clips a lot. Obviously the kick is replaced, what has been done with the snare/toms?