STUDIO MONITORS : What to get for US$500 - 700

Apr 9, 2004
hey guys i 'm currently monitor shopping for my studio and have a few selections i have in mind , i wanna know what would u guys recommend out of the lot i have selected and also any other recommendations u guys might have :

Events TR8 XL
Events TR6
Yamaha MSP 5
Fostex PM 2

NS-10's should be first choice if you can get a pair. If not, go for Events or KRK RP-8's. Event Tuned Reference 8's and KRK Rokit RP-8's are awesome monitors for the money, both being at $500 for the pair. I'm about to buy a pair of the RP's myself to throw into my home studio for some serious bassage, :p.

NS 10m and all , but shouldn't the NS10 be like a 2nd pair of reference monitors and not a 1st main pair of monitors to buy for critical listening ? cos i know they're really shit but shit for a good reason
Well the whole idea behind the NS10's (maybe not so much Yamaha's intention, but rather what engineers have found them useful for, lol) is that if you can make something sound good on them, it'll sound good on anything.

I'm not quite sure of which way, or method, would be best suited for implementing these in a studio. Either by having them as mains, and using them from the beginning to get from basic sounds to final mix and master, or use something else to get your foundation and have the NS-10's for checking the mix, or just using them for a final mix. I can't see any advantage or disadvantage going either route, as both ways seem to end in the same result: your final mix going through the Yama's.

Personally I think the Yamaha's are probably the single best monitors to start on simply because they make you work your ass off. You know if it sounds wrong no matter what. And you'll know exactly when something sounds right. However, on a more "true" pair of monitors, such as the Event TR-8's or KRK RP-8's, you can hear everything much easier and be able to make adjustments quickly, making it harder for you to really develop an ear, or rather, a very fine ear anyway. With the NS-10's, you have to really listen, it's basically something I like to think of as a more dedicated way of mixing. In perspective, other monitors on the market that are more "true" reflect the adverse term, in other words, lazy monitoring. If you want to make your life very easy, get something that's "true", such as the Events or KRK's, if you want to really learn some valuable stuff that will stick with you for life, go for the NS-10's, and coincidentally, have amazing mixes that really make your hard work pay off.

That's just my .02 cents though. Cheers.

If you can't get the NS 10s, check out the TR8XLs. I had those before I picked up a pair of Event ASP 8s.:heh: Those mothers rule! I had to remix everything I had ever tracked with the TR8s! The TR8s are good in my book.
Those should be great. We have a pair of 1031a's here and they are very nice moni's. From what I know, the 1029a was just the previous version of it, and I personally have never heard bad things about them. I would go for those if I were you, those are very nice moni's especially if you are getting them under your budget. Go for it dude! Good Luck.

I'm quite pleased with the demo model Fostex PM1s I picked up recently. Didn't try the PM2s, but only because I figured I would just end up lusting for [even more] gear out of my price range. :cry:
Even though I use Events I would suggest the NS10's. They are by far the most common moniters out there. If you were ever in another studio the chances of them have the NS10's is much higher then others