Studio Monitors

Kenneth R.

Oct 28, 2004
Hallways of Always
Going along with Picks, FX, and MIDI Keyboards...

I want some nice studio monitors. I don't want to pay a lot. I want a flat response, none of this bass enhancement shit. If I wanted bass enhancement, mid and treble controls, I'll just use my stereo. I want studio monitors, and that means an unbiased, flat response, with as much fidelity as possible. Any suggestions?
Check out M-Audio's stuff.
Still don't have any studio monitors yet, but I'm gonna get em sooner or later.

What I need is pretty much what you described, I tried M-Audio's Studiophile BX5 and they were great for the price so I think I'm gonna end up with them.
BX8 seem great too, check out what Mark Isham said about em here:
Gonna check Behringer's stuff too, I'll let you know whenever I try em out.

P.S. IMO online reviews can often be misleading these days especially when it comes to this kind of gear, so the best thing is to go and try things for yourself and see if they're what you're looking for (note that these things usually sound better and "fuller" in your room/studio than in the music store + proper placement of the monitors DOES make a difference).

Good luck dude
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