Studio report #1

Mar 14, 2002
Hi people! This is the first of hopefully many studio reports from us in the studio. I'm using my cell phone as a modem at 9.6 kbps so I think you can imagine the frustration to load all the images in this forum :)

We arrived yesterday evening after about 7 hours of driving towards the dark woods of Ludvika. Abyss studios lies on the countryside just by a lake with just a couple of houses nearby, so it quite calm and peaceful to record an album for three weeks out here in the middle of nothing. The only thing not so peaceful was Marduk in the studio next door working on their new album with Peter ;)

Today we have started trying out sounds for drums, guitars and bass. We also recorded one song just to get the idea of what it will sound like. After several changes of drum sound we found something we all liked and now Jocke has completed one track and he is right now working on the next song.

Everything is running smoothly and Tommy is a as always a really great guy to work with. He lets us work in the studio by ourselves in the evenings, which is really great because we can experiment with sounds and rehearse as much as we want.

I'll post more stuff for you in a couple of days.

/Jonas writing under Andreas' name on behalf of Skyfire :loco:
Right on, glad to hear you guys got the studio report going! :headbang: Sounds great man. Sounds peaceful tho I can imagine how Marduk sounds next door :lol: Anyway, have fun guys cant wait for #2.
Originally posted by SkyfireAndreas
The only thing not so peaceful was Marduk in the studio next door working on their new album with Peter ;)

Marduk????? Tell Legion that here in Pistoia there's a BOY really in love with him and to come here as soon as possible.... he can't wait to see him :lol:

BTW it's very exciting to read the studio report of the band you like.... when Min revolution is released I could take it on my hand and see it "I know all about your born.... and how much you made trouble to your parents". And then those are always things good to refer to the next generation.....I'm very happy!!!!!!!
i wasnt expecting any reports or the likes so it came as a gr8 suprise to find 1. i would love to record in such a calm and peaceful place, it sounds like a glorious spot.

im pleased everything is going so well for u guys and i await for the completed album with baited breath.
hahaha fucking marduk man. cool i hope you guys can get a little clearer production this time. not let those guitar leads get swallowed up by the keyboards. unless you did that on purpose last time haha. either way im sure its gonna rock.