Studio this monday

you know, I have been wondering, do you guys write all your songs together or is x song larry's, y song sasha's and so on?
Depends on the song. Some songs in the past have been written almost entirely by one person. But then there's songs where it comes together from everyone throwing out various riffs and ideas. Most of the time, that's how I prefer to write, because I like having input from other people and adding things that I might've never come up with myself.
And of course the pressures of the business end of things, along with the negativity and criticism we encounter from people or critics or whomever along the way does get to us at times, I can't lie about that. Bands who tell you that they don't care about that shit are just lying, I'm sorry lol. But you can't let it get you down or ruin this whole experience for you, you have to do it because you still love to do it and you get something out of it for yourself

Excellent point.
Sure, as humans, it is hard to 100% ignore any criticism.

Though it seems whenever ND does receive criticism, it is usually at the hands of lazy critics. (IE - ones who can't lay off comparisons to Opeth, or ones making statements like "Well, to be honest, I haven't heard a lick of ND since THE KNOWING, etc, etc)

I know many music fans have issues with this statement, but I have always appreciated when bands are honest and say things like, "We make music that we want to make, period!" Nothing worse than bands who obviously make records based on current trends.

Anyhow, best of luck with the rest of the recording.
Even though we make the music we want to make, of course we still hope that the fans will be pleased and we keep it in mind. Meaning like, y'know, I don't think you'll ever see us pull a "Cold Lake" and expect the fans to automatically accept and love it, lol.

The negative criticism bothers us less and less as time goes by, to be honest with you. Criticism is good for a band, it keeps you on your toes and helps spur you on to do better next time. It's only when the criticism is coming from someone who is woefully clueless and out of touch that it really gets annoying, but what can ya do? At this stage of the game we have pretty much accepted the fact that we're just never going to get respect from certain people, and we'll never be one of those bands who automatically make it into most critics top 10 lists of the year before they've even heard one note of the cd yet! (That one always kinda baffles me.....I can't think of one band whom I love and trust so unconditionally that I could automatically and confidently swear that I'll love their next cd without hearing it first, but again, to each their own.) But maybe that kinda comes back to the whole thing about wanting bands to just stay the same and keep within one specific genre and sound? That way, if you like one record, chance are you'll like 'em all, that sort of thing? I dunno, I don't get it, lol.

Anyhow, just to keep people updated, we're preparing to start laying down the guitar tracks very soon, the next two weeks are going to be busy, to say the least, and we should have more video updates for you guys in a couple days at the very least. I'm getting VERY anxious to hear what this is all gonna sound like when completed.