The contest ends tonight. The winner and 5 runner ups will be picked completely by random. The winners will be notified through YouTube private messages. The prize will be mailed directly to you.

The song in the video is actually clips from 4 different songs.

i see.

about the songs on the contest video: must have been good ones,then. i didn't even notice they were different ones. but i bet if/when i watch it again i will. that damn heindsight again, lol.

out of curiosity about the 8GB ipod (for you computer people) how much space will beleft on the thing with allof the cool stuff on it? i kow you can just plug it into the computer & copy or transfer it onto there. i was just wondering, because all of that free stuf seems (to me) like it'd take up a lot of th 8GB. specially the videos & DVD. and since i'm not much of a "computer space" person prety much i know the order in pace goes: gig then 1,000 gig = a terabite. but what from there or about how much of what you can fit on either (specifically) i have no idea, really (especially how much info a GB drive canhold. all i know is 8GB isn't that much (for a comp hard drave at least-ipods & stuff: i have no clue)

but approx: how much video & audio files (and a combo of them) can be stored on one. i was just curious about how much space all of that'd take up on a hard drive-just to get an idea in case i ever consier getting an ipod or something similar or get a better hard drive (which i want to do)

thanks for the info in advance to who ever helps.
8GB of space is quite alot of space, man. I think you can store around 2000 or so songs on it, and up to 8 hours of video. So I mean, the 7 ND cds and the DVD won't really take up all that much of the space on it. I don't think there's even 100 ND songs in existence (I've never counted!) The DVD in total is less than two hours of video. So I think there's ample space left to put on a bunch more stuff.

As for confusing the medley for being one's just funny because you can hear where the quick fade in/out is for each part, and if you've read the track listing for the upcoming cd, you'll notice that each section in the medley actually features parts where Paul sings the title for each song they're taken from, lol. I guess people didn't pay that close attention to it.
When I was a kid, we used to think floppy discs were an immense amount of space. -_-
p.s. Congrats to the winners
Well there was that one time when I bet someone a dozen floppy disks that I could screw Molly Ringwald. Never happened, but thankfully she loaned me her panties for fifteen minutes, because floppy disks might not have held much data but they were expensive!

8GB of space is quite alot of space, man. I think you can store around 2000 or so songs on it, and up to 8 hours of video. So I mean, the 7 ND cds and the DVD won't really take up all that much of the space on it. I don't think there's even 100 ND songs in existence (I've never counted!) The DVD in total is less than two hours of video. So I think there's ample space left to put on a bunch more stuff..

i tried my best to not sound like i was saying "there can't be all the stuff on there" or "it must have filled the whole thing", looks like i failed? that wasn't what i was saying at all, since i don't own an ipod, mp3 player, etc. i have no clue how much songs and/or videos you can store on one. (on average) and i was just curious. because as much of a computer pack rat as i am 8 Gig wouldn't last me 2 days. lol but i kinda figured it ould be diferent for an ipod or something like it. it was mearly a curiosity thing. i apologize if i offended anyone. i wasn't trying to say 'you're lieing" or "the ipod is kinda useless with all that stuff filling it up" or anything. i apologize if it came out that way.

i actually thought it was a great contest, IMO. not only was the grand prize totally awesome, but the runners up prize was actually pretty good too. usually in contests of any kind the runners up prizes are consolation prizes like "well you didn't win big, but here's a poster and a box of tissues" the more consoation prize groups there are or whatever contents the shittier the bottom one seems to be. or am i the only one who noticed this with contests?

so far you guys' contest in the ne one i've seen in recent memory that was good all round. (imo) also, i just thought of this: do they charge the winner(s)gift taxes on anything recieved or is it only for big expensive stuff like: cars, vacations, tons of cash, etc? i'd immagine it's only for big stuff, but this is th goverment we're talking about: they tax people's inherintences and money from law suits (where a person was injured & crap). i know first hand: between the governmen & laywer's cut (combined) was over half of what i was awarded.(which is probably why i'm broke now: combined with paying off my parents' credit cards) i aid i'd do it & had no problem with it & still don't. anyway;

so just seeing what the goverment does to people, i don't think they're above making a buck any way they can: especially now.

they were talking about letting each state determine it's own weed laws (can't spell the tech. word for it, lol) after a majorit of political people being so against it for so long. now it's like "the supposed morals, values & dangers can go out the window, because we need CASH" nothing like being in debt up to your eye balls to make ya see ways to make money no matter the risks, huh?

As for confusing the medley for being one's just funny because you can hear where the quick fade in/out is for each part, and if you've read the track listing for the upcoming cd, you'll notice that each section in the medley actually features parts where Paul sings the title for each song they're taken from, lol. I guess people didn't pay that close attention to it.

as for this; often times i'm multi tasking when listening to music. even if i have a CD in the computer playing or in my portable CD player. lots of times i realized the CD had been over & i didn't even notice, nor do i have any clue about how long ago. with head phones on or not. my mind usually drowns out everything. i fade back into what's going on outside my mind here & there, but that's it.