Studio Update 2 - Evile with a lucky fan

It's coming along nicely people! Just 3 more vocal tracks to do then its all recorded and the mixing begins!!

Remember how on ETG there were about 2 sections of guitar harmonies? if that....

haha oh you're in for a bloody treat.

OH and remember to get on the myspace and ask us loads of questions on the blog!!!!
Harmonies are usually pretty gay-sounding to be fair, the word 'harmonies' conjures up flashbacks of power metal :( Still, you cna get those really fucking evil sounding ones that kick ass too, so I'll be keeping my ears open for those...

On a much more serious note, you've recorded 90% of the record rather bloody quick haven't you?
we have tasty harmonies, no gayness here.

we have done it pretty fast actually, its been dead relaxed, we have been working hard though, and playing shitloads of GTA4.

and eating lots of rocky bars.
Ain't nothing wrong with guitar harmonies, in fact they're just about the best thing ever. It's when bands use them all the fucking time that it gets, how do you put it, "gay"... it's like any awesome trick, it gets old quickly. Knowing when to use them is the key...

I'm looking forward to this.