Studio Update 3

jimmy bloody frankles, trying to steal our new album!!! he got what he deserved.....

oh and the new stuff............ hahahahahahahahaaaaaaa oh bloody hell its good. i have my favourite song already, and it will completely blow your minds when you hear it.
listened to enter the grave the other day, thought i might as well practice it since we're playing on saturday.....

and ive had the new recording in my head since we made it, and i put enter the grave on and went.... ha. would people rather have a live gig for the album launch, or a listening party? thoughts?
Mr. Frankles said he was gonna buy me a ticket to the UK to go to the party, he said he´ll get the money selling illegal copies of your album.
so youre pretty much all saying "tour" then haha....

there will be something special for one night for the launch probably, but we havent figured anything out yet, we know some cool tour news though, but we arent telling yet.