New Album Progress - Pre-Production

starting the 2nd day of pre-production with russ today, yesterday was a long sweaty day of tweaking songs and nipples and we're going to do it again today.

songs are sounding pretty damn nice, we're going to decide what we should play live from NEXT WEEK for you guys to give you a taste of whats coming from us later in the year...

do we give you a taste or a huge bite?
hahah yeah, i can just see matt shouting that to start the track.

just realised it seems like im mocking dave, but i wasn't i was just mocking how brilliant a typo that was.
after two long days of sorting stuff out theres still stuff we havent finalised haha. so more than likely songs that we play live arent going to be in their final versions, which is good, keep you lot guessing!! no titles or anything yet, still just song 1, 2, 3 and so on...