Evile working on new studio album

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I don't give a fuck if people bash Metallica, your not going to hurt my feelings.


it seems like it kills you that someone doesn't like MoP :lol:
Nah, i think some people are high strung, need to get laid, or just need to get the spiked dick out of their ass. I really don't give a fuck if you bash MOP, people create illusions.
In three posts you've gone from insulting Dave to saying to saying you don't care to saying you don't want your feelings to get hurt to saying you don't care...

You're faster then a fucking woman:lol:

And before Dave replys here agian about he not giving a fuck about ranting about elitist again I should just tell you to go here.
it's more the reaction of Deth :lol: i thought it was great :D
- '' yeah imma try my parasite!''
- good luck my friend, and there he goes, walking towards death :lol:

it could be from a movie

but if you think it doesn't deserve the honour of being sigged, i could easily delete it... :heh:

Pahaha, no no it's funny to me now. I didn't read the second quote. I got excited that I had been quoted and started jumping about ! :goggly:
Pahaha, no no it's funny to me now. I didn't read the second quote. I got excited that I had been quoted and started jumping about ! :goggly:

:lol: yeah, i don't know how to put that together in one quote:P so i did it this way and i hoped that everyone would understand it
Replying to Dave with insults instead of argument does not work, especially when he's right.


According to what I've got from Ol's fb over the last couple of months at least HE thinks the riffs are cool. Hope he's right:)

Well Ol's hardly going to write an album with riffs he thinks suck.

Is Dave officially right? I like Master of Puppets...
That's amazing, especially since I never once said Evile are crap and - as I've already said - there's fuck all logic in me buying the band's merchandise and their CDs if I dislike them to any extent. To top that off, if I didn't like the band as musicians and as people then I wouldn't have dontaed an £800 guitar to the Mike Alexander raffle to help out people who I regard as friends in their time of need. If anything, accusing me of hating on Evile is probably one of the more genuinely offensive statements you could ever make around me.

I could easily retort to your statements accordingly and call you an obviously adopted virgin and whatnot, but unlike yourself Alteredmindeath, I'm not a walking mass of pitiful complexes and insecurities who feels the need to resort to childish and ineffective namecalling when someone disagrees with me or proves me wrong. I'll get extremely frustrated with stuff here and there and make the odd tongue-in-cheek remark (that you'd no doubt take far too seriously, as you've proven already) but I'll never lower myself to your level.

Because I'm not a cunt.
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