Evile working on new studio album

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I'd post an informed reply but I'm so dumbfounded by some of the stuff said here that all I can do is laugh.

I'll say this though - if the next album is Evile's Master of Puppets then I'm boycotting it because it'd suck.
The term 'their Master of Puppets' means they'll try to do some epic stuff and end up making an album that sounds like crap. Which frankly, I don't want since Evile are one of the few bands in the country who have had my full support through and through.
That's a fucking stupid thought. You think just because they try and make something epic it's going to suck? You must have no faith in this band called Evile, or you must want them to turn into a fucking punk band. Metal is about growing, getting better AND not staying the same 4 chord whore the whole career like these alternative bands do. I think Evile know what their doing by now, and to say you think the next album will suck is just blabbermouth bullshit.

Oh my me, that was brilliant. No really, that was an absolutely incredible display of idiocy. You completely took what I said out of context and made it out that I dom't have faith in a band that I've thrown my weight behind for th past four or so years. Someone should give you a fucking medal or something, I'm astounded. Well and truely.

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