Studio Video!!! (Showing you around my studio)


Nov 1, 2009
Hey guys,

I made a video showing you around my studio, and what I deal with. :)
A lot more of you should make these.

Btw, I'm sorry about the darkness, but the camera was awful. :(
The overhead, and the lamp was on!

But anyways, here it is:
Oh, and sorry for the "ADD-ceiling" moment at the end. I dunno why I went off on that. :p

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Yeah. I think I'm going to shoot it again since it's not 2AM anymore. Haha.
what do you want ppl to say? it's a bedroom with recording gear in it.
you make it out like im getting ready to see Abbey Road Studios or somethin

I just thought people appreciated seeing other people's setups; i know I do.

Sorry for treading on all this land of negativity. -.-
Well i just think its kinda funny when people calling themselves producer, engineer, whatever when they in fact don't make a living out of it.
And saying look at my studio as stated above having a interface and some drums in their bedrooms.

I don't call myself a producer even though i have a professional recording studio, because i cant make a living out of it.. yet...

So a video like that makes me sigh, so i guess we are even :loco:
Well i just think its kinda funny when people calling themselves producer, engineer, whatever when they in fact don't make a living out of it.
And saying look at my studio as stated above having a interface and some drums in their bedrooms.

I don't call myself a producer even though i have a professional recording studio, because i cant make a living out of it.. yet...

So a video like that makes me sigh, so i guess we are even :loco:

A couple of things:

1.) I have never, ever called myself a professional. In fact, on my studio myspace, I specifically tell potential clients that my recordings are NOT professional. I do, however, call myself an engineer/mixer/producer. Because that's what I'm doing. I'm engineering the sound, I'm mixing the project, and I often give bands production tips. Being all those things does not mean I'm a professional. I am working very hard to get there, though.

2.) I made this video because around this forum, people usually like to see other people's setups. Personally, I like seeing the home-based setups a lot more than seeing the "professional studios". The professional studios are boring and cliche. I can google image any of those. The home-based setups always have some unique character to them. It's fun to me to see how people cope with what they have and use it to their advantage.

3.) And you should by-no-means bash on people with home setups. A lot of people aren't fortunate enough to have the funds to build an acoustically-perfect designed studio. For those of you who are, congratulations.

4.) I have heard AMAZING, PROFESSIONAL results from people who are setup in their bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, whatever.
Come on guys......give Ganks a break! I think it was a good idea! So lets see YOURS!!:kickass:

Thank you. That's all I wanted! I just wanted to show people what I'm working with, and maybe inspire someone else to post a video of their setup!
And PS -

Back when I started, if I would have seen this video, I would have creamed my pants over the gear.

Seeing another video like this now.. I would feel good to know that there are other Engineers on my level.

And in the future, when I have a better setup, and am more experienced.. seeing a video like this would only prompt me to give advice to the aspiring AE who is making the effort to get better - not flame him on what he calls his setup.
Well i just think its kinda funny when people calling themselves producer, engineer, whatever when they in fact don't make a living out of it.
And saying look at my studio as stated above having a interface and some drums in their bedrooms.

I don't call myself a producer even though i have a professional recording studio, because i cant make a living out of it.. yet...

So a video like that makes me sigh, so i guess we are even :loco:

Thats pretty fucking jerky. For the record, I really dont think that you need to make a living doing it to consider yourself as something. I could name 500 examples of this, but why?? should i have to? I thought Ganks' video was great. Who cares if he doesnt have a bunch of gear? I dont have a bunch of sure lots of people here dont have racks of gear. Who gives a fuck? you can have all the gear in the world and still suck ass at mixing and producing music. we all know that is true. obviously the best case scenario is tons of gear and know how..which alot of guys here do. Making people feel bad because they dont have tons of gear is a fucking asshole thing to do. id take talent over gear anyday!!! everyone has to start somewhere. some of us dont have mommies & daddies that buy us stuff....or high paying jobs that help pay bills and buy tons of extra shit.
I really hate seeing that "i have more than you so I must be better than you " attitude. Most everyone on here are NOT like that at all. Guys who have studios full of gear will talk to a guy who have a single channel interface as an equal. which is awesome.
What makes it so funny to me.....I went crillemannen's page and looked at his gear to see why he was ripping on Ganks so much. I laughed my ass off. Thanks Little C, but you need to look at the gear lists of some other guys here before you even THINK to get a big head about shit! Also, youre ripping on bedroom setups...yours looks like part of a basement from the only 3 pics you had...and i didnt see any gear in there. I saw no huge control room. i saw a empty corner of a basement or something. THATS a pro studio????
Point is dude, dont rip on other when you are in the same boat. I hope the other members will agree. :kickass:
Thats pretty fucking jerky. For the record, I really dont think that you need to make a living doing it to consider yourself as something. I could name 500 examples of this, but why?? should i have to? I thought Ganks' video was great. Who cares if he doesnt have a bunch of gear? I dont have a bunch of sure lots of people here dont have racks of gear. Who gives a fuck? you can have all the gear in the world and still suck ass at mixing and producing music. we all know that is true. obviously the best case scenario is tons of gear and know how..which alot of guys here do. Making people feel bad because they dont have tons of gear is a fucking asshole thing to do. id take talent over gear anyday!!! everyone has to start somewhere. some of us dont have mommies & daddies that buy us stuff....or high paying jobs that help pay bills and buy tons of extra shit.
I really hate seeing that "i have more than you so I must be better than you " attitude. Most everyone on here is NOT like that at all. Guys who have studios full of gear will talk to a guy who have a single channel interface as an equal. Thats what makes it so funny to me. I went crillemannen's page and looked at his gear to see why he was ripping on Ganks so much. I laughed my ass off. Thanks Little C, but you need to look at the gear lists of some other guys here before you even THINK to get a big head about shit! Also, youre ripping on bedroom setups...yours looks like part of a basement from the only 3 pics you had...and i didnt see any gear in there. I saw no huge control room. i saw a empty corner of a basement or something. THATS a pro studio????
Point is dude, dont rip on other when you are in the same boat. I hope the other members will agree. :kickass:

You sir, have just become my best friend! :kickass::kickass:
Thanks so much for checking out my video!

And thanks for the post! You really just made me feel shit tons better!:)
i like the vid, i think its really cool to know that other people on this forum dont have incredible studios, control rooms etc. And what the fuck is with all the bashing? And like you said, some of us arent fortunate enough to have all that stuff! If i showed you a vid of my room i record and but then told you about how my house burnt down and how i lost most of my shit and how i had to live in a motel for 6 months i think you would appreciate what i have and not bash so much (true story) You dont know what other people have been through not saying you are some heartless basher! And you do have a point, this isnt much of a studio, but you sure as hell can get great results if you know what your doing
yeah yeah, off course you can be successful either you have a home setup or a "pro" studio. I know you have to start off somewhere. Don't need to bash on me either, i got good results with pretty cheap equipment, as you can hear on my site.

Good luck too you Ganks :)
yeah yeah, off course you can be successful either you have a home setup or a "pro" studio. I know you have to start off somewhere. Don't need to bash on me either, i got good results with pretty cheap equipment, as you can hear on my site.

Good luck too you Ganks :)

Thanks bro. You too!
I don't call myself a producer even though i have a professional recording studio, because i cant make a living out of it.. yet...

You dont have a PROFESSIONAL recording studio if you're not making a living out of recording in it.
But you can be a producer. ;)

I am a producer, i produced and recorded a friends band in their basement.. worst sounding piece of shit recording ever, but i still produced it, and that makes me a producer.. but not a _PROFESSIONAL_ producer.

Professional {pro·fes·sion·al} said:
1. of, relating to, suitable for, or engaged in as a profession
2. engaging in an activity for gain or as a means of livelihood