Studio Video!!! (Showing you around my studio)

You dont have a PROFESSIONAL recording studio if you're not making a living out of recording in it.
But you can be a producer. ;)

I am a producer, i produced and recorded a friends band in their basement.. worst sounding piece of shit recording ever, but i still produced it, and that makes me a producer.. but not a _PROFESSIONAL_ producer.

If you make money doing what you do (enough to actually live off), then in my opinion you're considered a professional, even if you are based out of your bedroom.
I might shoot some vids of my humble abode tonight in honor of Ganks. We have such a similar setup it's hilarious.

If it makes you guys feel any better, you should see what Joey recorded my band's (along with a ton of other great bands') CD with. Hardly MTV Cribs material.
looks like you are working with some cool stuff here man. How do you like those krk 6 g2's? I have the g1's and they are making me want to upgrade lately. My debate is whether or not to stick with krk or try some other brand in the same price range. Either way I guess it's just how well you get to know your speakers.

Anyways. Cool vid!
Ganks Cool video and I agree that more people should post videos of their set ups... but instead of continuing that "let me see pics of your setup thread" why doesnt someone start a new thread specifically for videos of people setups
nice! really love the idea of seeing how everyone works and what they use. esp. all around the world ;-)
thanks for the video ganks!

i personally feel ashamed when bands call their girlfriends and say : "I'm in the studio..." ;-)
and its actually only my bands rehearsal space. but i think people accept every recording facillity no matter how expensive as a studio, and i think that is cool,
because i've heard results from "pro" studios around here that sounded astonishing "amateurish" compared to mine.

i dont make a living out of producing (i wish i could), but still i'm a producer. i'd say in the recording industry you are a pro if you can deliever
your work in a given (short) time with up to par productions. there is no money in this lower segment that i work in, so its not my fault
that im not getting payed enough... still my work is considered "pro" by the bands.

again thanks ganks! we need more of those videos!
btw. my "recording place" can be seen here (but please dont laugh :) :
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Some people have such a power issue ... its a forum and we live with freedom of speech, that is ultimately what a lot of music is about - oh the irony!

I think what would be even cooler is videos made in your studio showing a few mixing tricks .. then were talking!
looks like you are working with some cool stuff here man. How do you like those krk 6 g2's? I have the g1's and they are making me want to upgrade lately. My debate is whether or not to stick with krk or try some other brand in the same price range. Either way I guess it's just how well you get to know your speakers.

Anyways. Cool vid!

I love the KRK 6's! I feel they're pretty accurate! But just like every other pair of monitors, you've got to learn how things sound on them. The higher mid-range of these are a little bit exaggerated, I feel. But other than that, I love them.

They've got as much bass as you'd expect. And plus, they're yellow and look awesome. :D
