Studiomonitors - 300-400€ used - Which ones?


Jan 14, 2011
Hi there!

At the moment I am using my ATH M40s only for recording and mixing my music. I feel that some decent monitors could really step up my production. Though I am more a hobby musician than a producer I want it to sound anywhere decent.

I am searching for Monitors in the price range from 300-400€ used. I am willing to wait for deals and check all the used markets on the internet.

My current research:
Yamaha HS80M (seems to be a love hate thing?!)
Yamaha MSP 5 (read about them in a forum to be pretty decent for their price + they seem to be quite affordable on ebay. ovp same HS80s, ebay only half)
Adam A5X (are out of my price range, cost nearly 100 bucks more used)

Yeah. I really don't want to buy something really cheap, but it should be in a certain range. I'd use my cans to check bass and I think about upgrading them to M50s.

What tip do you have for me?
A current mix of mine (might sonically not that pleasing but ... hey, everyone started once :) )

Advise would be highly appreciated.
I just got a pair of HS80m's a couple months back and I absolutely love them. Nice low end, clear mids, and crisp highs. With that being said however, if you put them in an untreated room you will most definitely have issues in the low end, so keep that in mind.
Well, I move out in September as I will go to Uni and I don't know yet where I will live (my current room does not really matter, the next 6 years will be spent elsewhere...)
So I should get treatment right? Ugh.
How much should I spend on that? Does that mean basstraps in the corners or even more?

Thanks for the info on the Yamaha. I guess any monitor will totally blow me away in a certain price class. Haha :D
Hi guys,

thanks for the info! They are not available in germany as far as I can see and I didn't find any used offers. Is it possible to order them from the UK?

Okay boys, sorry for doublepost. Now I really wanna get those Equator D5's, did research on the internet. BUT, with shipping they would cost 450USD to Germany + I will need to change the Power Supply. Is that worth it? I am speaking to you, Machinated, as you are from Europe as well.
I checked, they ship to Germany but shipping costs are 138USD which is... quite high, so as I said this would mean 440USD, which would still be cool. I just contacted them whether I have to expect custom duties as well. Should that be the case I'd more likely order in the UK. I bought a Schecter in the States two years ago and I think it where like 25%.
Did they tell you anything about customs?
Haha, well that might be. After chatting to some US guys and checking the news I am definitely happy to live in Europe. Anyway, you got PM.
But anyhow, would you guys say I would be better of to get the Equators than the Yamahas?
I did a quick comparison at Thomann. The Yamahas sound decent, but the Adam A7x blow them out of the water imo. That's why I save up for them, I rather spend some more money once then keep on upgrading permanently.
I think those monitors got me, I will pick them up when I arrive in Germany in August, I would have upgraded my monitors later anyway so why not buy some really good ones I guess even if its for 460Euro...

Thanks guys!
i used a pair of Bose Reflection Speakers as Monitors for like a year before moving to m-audio monitors, and it may be just me, or it may not, but i cant tell a LICK of difference between the two. i go back and forth between them, and they still sound EXACTLY the same to me, aside from the Decible sensitivity on the bose bieng higher (i think, they are quite a bit louder for the amount of watage being pumped into them lol) the bose do seem to be a little more present in the low frequencies though, but hey. they sound brilliant for $15....i still use the m-audios when mixing though to avoid the shitstorm of flak i always got on other forums when i said i didnt use studio monitors to track...just Bose reflection Speakers