Studios in LA or San Diego

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
just planning a production for early next year and the band wants to track in either LA or San Diego.....
my job now is it to get some good quotes from decent studios with a good array of quality mics, preamps and a nice sounding room (it's only for drum and vocal recordings).
Does anyone have any tips for me?
perhaps someone knows someone with a cool place for a decent price?

Hit me up, pls
Record Plant, NRG, The mix room (Burbank), Conway, Gleenwood place, Larabee, Ocean, Paramount if you are on the budget...etc

Many great studio here, but maybe can you give a more define list about what you want (console, mic...etc).
^ where are you at man?

Big Fish. Sent you a PM too we should chat!

Omen Room, Undercity or Lambesis would be the three places I would suggest that do modern rock/metal very well just off the top of my head.

If you're in LA undercity is rad. Daniel and the AILD guys have usually done their drums elsewhere (Big Fish or Signature) and then overdubbed at Lambesis. I haven't seen his new digs yet, but in San Diego I'd go for another spot for drums. They do have quite the amp collection there though....
Yea I haven't wanted to bug him much since Tim's thing. I need to go see him!