"And if this ant farm called Earth survives 100 more years"
people spread like disease--we'll survive on earth or elsewhere.
"War is a religion with the biggest following"
i'd say sex is, but yeah, war is real popular too.
"things are not getting better in world relations"
you're right. they're getting worse because we can now move about the entire world, whereas in the past it wasn't possible and conflicts were more localized.
The Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD are fast aswel Agni-I points at NYC so said sez
"...the bleedings!!what were they thinking"
that's right, we now use radiation to cure diseases!
Chemo is strange also,you bring a person as close to death to give them life...Like a snake bite is cured with snake venom or antivenin Polyvalent TM
i'll laugh at the bleedings for a while, but then i'll have to get back to my atkins diet and buying some more hair removal products for certain areas of my body and hair growing products for others.
Haha unregistered/dearth/ you have intelligence beyond....I'm always impressed These smilies are cheesy but