Stupid algebra problem

Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Common sense would say find a closer market, 1000 miles is a fucking long way to go to sell bananas.

That and the problem has so many open options in the way of drop off points, Person leading camel taking shit, a spare horse that isnt a greedy fucker etc.....

"Common sense would say find a closer market, 1000 miles is a fucking long way to go to sell bananas."

depends how much you're selling them for, doesn't it?

i don't like common sense because it is the prevailing wisdom of the (people of the) day. given that most people are complete fools, common sense can't be that good. not too long ago common sense held that the earth is flat, you shouldn't come out at night because of the evil spirits, you shouldn't go into the forest at night because of witches, if you have a fever you better get some leeches, the earth is the center of the universe, women can't do the any of the things men can do, the best form of government is monarchy, and kings get their power from god. need i go on? in a hundred years the common sense of today will be equally ridiculous.
darth said:
"Common sense would say find a closer market, 1000 miles is a fucking long way to go to sell bananas."

depends how much you're selling them for, doesn't it?

i don't like common sense because it is the prevailing wisdom of the (people of the) day. given that most people are complete fools, common sense can't be that good. not too long ago common sense held that the earth is flat, you shouldn't come out at night because of the evil spirits, you shouldn't go into the forest at night because of witches, if you have a fever you better get some leeches, the earth is the center of the universe, women can't do the any of the things men can do, the best form of government is monarchy, and kings get their power from god. need i go on? in a hundred years the common sense of today will be equally ridiculous.
And if this ant farm called Earth survives 100 more years,they will look back at the mind set of coils in the year of 2003,and laugh at the nonsensical beliefs and worries of a self loathing zoo...War is a religion with the biggest following ||||of armchair critics and sky watchers and wrong answers of all T.V PROGRAMING in the sweeps "Till you see the whites of their eyes"
"better dead than red" ,,"....Coolaid" "...or god will take me away" "eye for an eye" "...forsaken spirit of faith" "..them or us"

Darth my personal fave was the bleedings!!what were they thinking?!???!
But "we" believe in killing the "enemy" because the talking head sent us to do so.... things are not getting better in world relations, so a 100 years is a far distance away to think about while sitting on and with a Powder Keg
Troyanasy said:
And if this ant farm called Earth survives 100 more years,they will look back at the mind set of coils in the year of 2003,and laugh at the nonsensical beliefs and worries of a self loathing zoo...War is a religion with the biggest following ||||of armchair critics and sky watchers and wrong answers of all T.V PROGRAMING in the sweeps "Till you see the whites of their eyes"
"better dead than red" ,,"....Coolaid" "...or god will take me away" "eye for an eye" "...forsaken spirit of faith" "..them or us"

Darth my personal fave was the bleedings!!what were they thinking?!???!
But "we" believe in killing the "enemy" because the talking head sent us to do so.... things are not getting better in world relations, so a 100 years is a far distance away to think about while sitting on and with a Powder Keg

"And if this ant farm called Earth survives 100 more years"

people spread like disease--we'll survive on earth or elsewhere.

"War is a religion with the biggest following"

i'd say sex is, but yeah, war is real popular too.

"things are not getting better in world relations"

you're right. they're getting worse because we can now move about the entire world, whereas in the past it wasn't possible and conflicts were more localized.

"...the bleedings!!what were they thinking"

that's right, we now use radiation to cure diseases!

i'll laugh at the bleedings for a while, but then i'll have to get back to my atkins diet and buying some more hair removal products for certain areas of my body and hair growing products for others.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Alright, change common sense to a "reasonable person would"

Seriously would you bother going 1000 miles for a really good price or take the shitty price 5 mins down the road?(Which in bulk would probably balance out)

"Seriously would you bother going 1000 miles for a really good price or take the shitty price 5 mins down the road?"

the bananas you get at the market, where are they grown? jamaica? south america? why not somewhere in england?

whatever is most profitable is what's done. distance doesn't matter as long as the product can get there and someone's willing to pay for it.
darth said:
"And if this ant farm called Earth survives 100 more years"

people spread like disease--we'll survive on earth or elsewhere.

"War is a religion with the biggest following"

i'd say sex is, but yeah, war is real popular too.

"things are not getting better in world relations"

you're right. they're getting worse because we can now move about the entire world, whereas in the past it wasn't possible and conflicts were more localized.

The Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD are fast aswel Agni-I points at NYC so said sez

"...the bleedings!!what were they thinking"

that's right, we now use radiation to cure diseases!

Chemo is strange also,you bring a person as close to death to give them life...Like a snake bite is cured with snake venom or antivenin Polyvalent TM
i'll laugh at the bleedings for a while, but then i'll have to get back to my atkins diet and buying some more hair removal products for certain areas of my body and hair growing products for others.

Haha unregistered/dearth/ you have intelligence beyond....I'm always impressed:notworthy These smilies are cheesy but
Troyanasy said:
The Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD are fast aswel Agni-I points at NYC so said sez

amazing, isn't it? people are smart enough to build these fucking things, and yet, they're dumb enough to actually build them.
Stealer of Dreams said:
Darth!!! Thanks to you in extreme proportions.

525 might not be the right answer though. there's probably a way to go higher. but what does it have to do with algebra? it reminds me more of calculus (maximizing one thing while minimizing another).
darth said:
amazing, isn't it? people are smart enough to build these fucking things, and yet, they're dumb enough to actually build them.
Exactly, It's like testing the bullet in a gun in a game of Russian roulette
make sure its not a dud splat.the worst head game ever (cheesy attempt at humor again)

Thats a bad metaphor
neal said:
CSI was on last night dude. and what do you mean "this time of night" haha it was only like 9:00pm where you are when you wrote that. 9 oclock at night is only late if you're some kind of old fart, or if you get up at like 3 am. people who code are usually UP till 3am becuaswe they're all hopped up on redbull and nerdery haha.
HAHAHA! THen color me old, dude. I hit 30 in May..... been decafinated since 2001...about the same time I took the cage off the helmet...clear mind + increased visibility = greater goal scoring.
At any rate 10-11 isn't too early if you have to get up at 5 or 5:30...and it's OK to be tired if you've been coding for 11 hours straight... :)
Never had Red terrifies me. After having purged my system of caffeine, it would probably cause me to explode on the spot. That would be bad. Fun to watch, bad to experience. :hypno:
darth said:
amazing, isn't it? people are smart enough to build these fucking things, and yet, they're dumb enough to actually build them.
It goes back to people being preoccupied with the notion that they CAN rather that thinking about whether they should...
Remember -- intelligent doesn't translate to smart...