Stupid cuestion about Toms


Crossing The Rubicon
Oct 1, 2008
Hi Guys!

Right now i'm programing drums with adictive drums and, I wanna try the Chimaira toms samples so, the cuestion is: How do you deal with the toms who sound in the OH's ?? :confused: I ask you guys because, OH Tom's shust sound too loud and they mask the Sampled Toms.

Wich would be the solution? make another midi track programed with only OH's and Room and another Mid track with the Snare, Kick and Toms?

Sorry about my horrible english!
Hope you guys can understandme and advice me


i dont know about addictive drums...but in superior 2.0 you can deactivate the toms on the ohs in the bleed control. maybe there is something like that in addictive drums...

sorry for taking advantage of your thread (i hope it doesnt upset you) but im gonna ask you all a question but...when you are mixing(or programing) you put the same volume in all toms?(sorry if its a stupid question but im a noob)

p.s: sorry if there´s something wrong with the english...
Yea, i have all the tracks levels in the same volume (0db) then, i route the tracks to multichanel and put drumagog in the insert!

It's that a problem??

Gracias por responder amigo!
i dont think thats the problem...but like i said before..i never used addictive drums so im not 100% sure
im an addictive drum user. I only used either Drumagog or Session Drummer softh-synth from Sonar 7 to replace my toms with other samples. So far , i cant replace them in AD.

cheers fren \m/
Addictive Drums user here. If I understand right,you don't want your OH to contain "Addictive" toms at all and you want to use other tom samples...This is what I do.. I load Addictive Drums into Fruity Loops and I program drums through it (because my pc is low-power an I cant use Addictive Drums into Cubase and record..). I mute Addictive toms and load other samples in another Fruity channel and program them. Then I export the whole session (for just recording or quick mix) or each channel seperately (Addictive or Fruity) and open all exported drum files into Cubase to make my final mix. Mute the channels you don't need in Addictive Drums and load samples in another Fruity Channel.

I hope that helps you...
Thanx a lot guys for your replies!

Teddyboy, i'm gona try that!

Best Regards!
AD lets you control the amount of each drum that goes to the overheads and room mics. So you can just crank the knob back on each tom so that nothing is sent to the oh or rooms. Usually do this for the kick.