Stupid Movies


Sep 7, 2007
Not merely B movies, looking for something specific...

Background: My friend and I were thinking about doing a marathon of cheesy fantasy movies. Basically, sci fi/fantasy, preferably low budget, really stupid, and very amusing.

Anyone who's seen the new Uwe Boll movie In The Name Of The King knows what I'm talking about.

We already have a bunch:
Conan The Barbarian
Conan The Destroyer
Red Sonja
The Beastmaster
Kull The Conqueror
The Cave Dwellers
Space Mutiny
Flash Gordon (the one with the Queen soundtrack. Best thing ever)
Hercules Unchained
Hercules Versus The Moon Men
In The Name of The King

to anyone who hasn't seen them, I highly recommend all of these, as they are very entertaining, as long as you like crappy movies.

thank you for recs...
I don't like military movies displaying american military might and power. its all propaganda bullshit, if you ask me.
Anyone seen "In The Name Of The King"?
The trailer looks good but I hear the director has a bad rep. Is it worth going to see?

Same ???s about Pathfinder.
Idiocracy is a stupid movie and it is sort of scifi

I was really disappointed by that movie. The whole idea of it seemed really funny but I only lol'd like maybe two times.

omfg, here's a movie you need to add to your list: Willow. It's a fantasy movie and it's fairly cheesy but it's been kicking my ass all over the place ever since I was a little kid.