Stupid question - What's your palm mute sound like? (clip inside)


Aug 1, 2009
Sydney, Australia
I've been an EMG fan for ever but I've been playing around with passives lately. I noticed that my palm muting has had to change quiet a bit.

So here's a clip of palm mutes. Which one do you lean towards?

I'm not going to say which one I like the best, I want you opinion not mine. I know that there is no right answer and that it should change as the part dictates. What I'm after is a general consensus on what to aim for, chug, open palm mute, you know what I mean.

EDIT: I meant to post this in the FOH - Sorry!
Personally i use different kinds of mutes.

Depends on what fits the piece of music.

There is no right way ;)
Yeah I too use multiple different styles. If I need to sustain notes I tend to move my palm more outwards and maybe press a little softer than on tight notation.
Thanks for responding. I agree with both of you 100% but that's not the answer I want! :lol: I knew the thread would go this way, maybe I should have said "if you had to pick one..."
Thanks for responding. I agree with both of you 100% but that's not the answer I want! :lol: I knew the thread would go this way, maybe I should have said "if you had to pick one..."

Thats like picking your favorite knob on your amp.....dude. :loco:
I'm too lazy to run this through an ampsim, and it's pretty pointless to comment on a DI sound.
Unless you want to use a DI sound as you main rhythm guitar tone from now on^^

My picking is pretty heavy with the pick quite angled, so I'm pretty close to the bridge to get meaty yet not too cloudy mutes.
If mute further away from the bridge I totally choke my guitar.
If I HAD to pick one if would prolly be number three. In general, I like my palm mutes not so palm-muted. But it depends EXTREMELY much on the situation, which, as you stated, is the exact opposite of the answer you want, haha.
I don't understand the point of this?? Palm mute however you think it should for that particular bit of the song. Change it up for other bits if you feel it is necessary.
I don't understand the point of this?? Palm mute however you think it should for that particular bit of the song. Change it up for other bits if you feel it is necessary.

This was already established in the op. If people answer the question then patterns may form. What I'm noticing lately is that the tracks I like the most the pups are passive and the mutes are really heavy and percussive.
Hmmm... well I didn't like any of your palm mutes. Mainly because they were a DI and not an amp, and didn't kick me in the chest like I would prefer.
My main form of palm-muting is about an inch, maybe less, from the bridge. My pick tends to be just above the pickup ring of the neck pickup. Chokes it pretty well, and gets this metallic, throaty sound perfect for fast thrash and power metal sections. Occasionally I pull back, but the music I play doesn't really have too many passages like that.
Depends on how hard you put your picking hand down, where you locate it (closer vs. further from the bridge), how quickly you mute, etc. I think most people shift according to the dynamics of the song.