Stupid routing question....


Sep 14, 2008
I haven't been able to find a solid answer to my question when I was searching around. If I missed it, please let me know.

The studio I'm working out of currently has a PTLE system with a 003+ and a Presonus Digimax. I want to grab a nice outboard master bus compressor, but I'm not sure of the best way to go about hooking this up. Any help would be appreciated, and if you need to know specifics, let me know.
You can hook it up to a pair of the line input/outputs on the 003 - then either route your tracks through those ins/outs when you mix, or call up the ins/outs as an insert on your master bus in Pro Tools.
Really as simple as that, eh? I have a way of over-complicating things when I sit and think about them too much.