Stymphalian Productions guitar re-amping for the band I'm producing


Dec 4, 2008
Kicevo,Republic of Macedonia
Finally we've received re-amped guitar tracks from Stymphalian Productions,UK ( for Raven's debut album called "Under a Darkening Sky"( is a quick video just to show their fans and people interested the re-amping process for their debut album.At the end of this month we will start recording vocals and we plan to finish this project hopefully at the and of September.The album will be mastered by Jaymz at Stymphalian Productions,UK.I hope you'll like the video.Cheers!

EDIT:Forgot to add the video :)

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Awesome riffing, and the sound should be great as usual from what is audible through the cam!

Jaymz, I imagined your voice beeing a bit higher haha
but I love the way you talk..."amp" and "drums" :D
Awesome riffing, and the sound should be great as usual from what is audible through the cam!

Jaymz, I imagined your voice beeing a bit higher haha
but I love the way you talk..."amp" and "drums" :D

Yeah the sound is cracking dude!

Haha I sound a bit congested due to just getting over my cold, but thanks! Amp and drums for the win :kickass: :loco:
Hahahahah Carlos! *blush*, I personally think I sound boring and crap but im flattered :loco:

I guess this could turn out to be a regular thing if the band requests it, a little rig rundown of the reamps. As long as it dosen't turn into full mixing sessions otherwise ill be like NAAWWWWWW!!!! :heh:

Can't wait to the physical finished copy of this bad boy!

Marcus: Scottish!? Oh no :( I assure you that must have just been a ONE OFF hahaha :kickass: Cheers dude!
You almost sound Scottish there Jimbo (especially when saying "Roadster" :D) Awesome tones dude! (and great tracking theforgotten, is this your band, or one your recording?)

No way dude he doesn't roll his R's anywhere near enough, that is most definitely a northern english accent.

Cool video Jaymz!