Hate to revived an old thread here, but shit like this is awesome. I fall in the odd age these days. I'm 27, therefore old enough to remember the 80's, be there for the death of metal and rise of grunge, the birth of emo, core, blah blah blah shit like that, that personally I lump together (no offense millions of trendy core guys on the forums, but honestly you know what you are
). I got into metal by discovering bands like Megadeth, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Demons and Wizards (same shit, I know), Rhapsody, etc... I find myself reaching the point where, after hearing all these bands have to offer over and over since I was in my teens, instead of moving on to bands that copy these guys, I move back to their influences! To me, its the natural metal head progression, and you know what I'm talking about. You start off playing/listening to furious metal, next thing you know all you write is dad rock, which is awesome. So seek out the Styx, Uriah Heep, Rainbow, Fleetwood Mac, Jethro Tull, Rush, whatever else that your favorite metalheads from your favorite metal bands site as influences, and you will come back writing the most furious, inventive, creative, nonbreakdown saturated metal of your life.