If Theocracy did a cover song...

no...wait...I got it...they could cover that annoying 10,000 lightning bug song/travesty by Owl City....you know, the one that's so annoying, I purposely forgot its title.


Hahaha! That has been mentioned by most of my friends on Facebook. So true. lol hahaha! They can sneak it in whatever cover they do.
I'm a little late in on this convo but I think Theocracy could do an amazing job with River Disturbance or Weapons of Our Warfare by Deliverance. It'd also be nice to hear Theocracy's version of Antonio Vivaldi's Seasons. :D
Ryan it would be nice if you would stop implying any opinion other than your own is a tragedy waiting to happen.

I stand by words that Theocracy would be better off covering a song that was a hit at some point, like many bands do, Atrocity even dedicated two albums to older hits.
Led Zeppelin- Achilles Last Stand!

I personally don't think it'd be smart for Theocracy to cover a song by a band that often claimed inspiration from Satan and such (Stairway to Heaven anyone?). It's gotta be a band that doesn't touch on religions, anti-christianity, or some form of satanism. I'd personally rather have Theocracy write a new song about an epic battle.
Ryan it would be nice if you would stop implying any opinion other than your own is a tragedy waiting to happen.

Aletheus. I respect your musical opinions (As most of the music you suggest is good) but them covering a pop song? That's selling out unless they're REALLY into pop. You don't JUST make music to make money (though it's good to have some! lol!) Aren't there enough pop covers out there?

Now if you mean just HITS... then OKAY! There are rock hits out there. There are STILL some. Breaking Benjamin's "I Will Not Bow" is a pretty big hit right now... but it's not poppy.

And @ M@rs: Yeah you're probably right! Haha! Achilles' Last Stand is actually based off of greek mythology... but it is a fact that they have some of that stuff. But doesn't Helloween also? Hasn't someone mentioned them here or was that on another forum?

--Now BACK on topic!

I think they should try maybe Pink Floyd or something? eh? Rush? Styx? Old progressive bands. I was listening to a lot of this stuff today.
Theo covering Rush or Styx is a progressive fanatic's wet dream come true.

Covering Breaking Benjamin would be, in my opinion, an insult to Theo, since BB is actually more sold out than you think, (hint: I'm Croatian, where folk music and bilingual illiteracy reign, there is no chance in heaven I could've learned of Theocracy by any other way but sheer persistence in search of a good band, on the other hand I've heard of BB through various occasions, even finding links on Facebook)

Not to mention how new and hip the band actually is.

They should be covering Theocracy, by all means necessary.

I meant Theocracy covering a hit like Angra did covering Kate Bush, it never sold them out, it never even got recognised by many.
Dream Theater covered Kansas.

Theocracy could cover Status Quo or Genesis, or Michael Jackson for that matter, as long as the song is good and it delivers.

Pop is popular, face it, most pop today is crap, but some pop hits are nothing less but hits.
Madonna is sure as crap not to my liking, but she has Frozen which is surely a great song.
Not to mention pop hits in the vein of Gibonni (a Croatian singer, which is known by old and young all the same, he's a pop star in our area)

You won't understand a thing if you venture to listen to it completely, but this person gets more recognition than any band in the Balkan area (he sang in a heavy metal band in the 80's as well).

He's an artist. Do you get my point? Plus, I urge you to listen to it, I know like I'm spreading cultural propaganda, but that's the closest example of quality pop I can think of, I don't favor other countries' as much.
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There is SOME good pop as there is SOME good alternative. As far as good angry white boy nu-metal alternative stuff I'd have to say Five Finger Death Punch. As far as pop... I actually enjoy occasional Jason Mraz songs to tell you the truth! LOL! Not all though... his less popular songs are good. But you see... I wouldn't want Theocracy covering him... it just seems so weird.

Also... about BB:

Yes they have done some "selling out" but I think they do stand out compared to Three Days Grace and the rest of those bands! FFDP (Five Finger Death Punch) is still a lot better imo though. Especially cuz they covered Bad Company. But I wouldn't want Theocracy covering FFDP cuz a lot of their stuff has cursing.
Total Eclipse of the Heart = Pop masterpiece

Breaking Benjamin = Pop in disguise. Their version of rock is a poppier appraoch, similar to Shinedown or Nickelback.

I'm still voting for covering Gary Moore's Over the Hills and Far Away :P
I agree completely with FABT, that's what I've been saying all along.

Although Nightwish has already covered said song, I'd like to hear Theo covering some other piece.
"I Need A Hero" by Bonnie Tyler is great, but I think Matt's voice is too high for that song, and that wouldn't cut it...
A band like Hangar would do that song some real justice.
I guess there are some cases it could go well. You know... Hammerfall did some whacky covers and it turned out VERY well (check out there "My Sharona" cover, lol). Thumbs up to that
Ah, there's an idea. Why not an entire Christmas Album by Theocracy? ;D That'd be really nice.